The Simpsons: Tapped Out – House of Evil


The House of Evil Building is unlocked after you have successfully unlocked all the artifacts in your Tapped Out city and released Mayan God. You will be challenged to a number of quests in which you will need to pass, this is after you have built the Black Hole for your Tapped Out city.

Requires: Level 5, Flanders the Devil PT, 3

Tapped Out - House of Evil

First Release: Oct 4 2012

Buying Price: 100 Treats

Earns: 3 Treat

Every 8H

Build Time: 12 Hours

The building cost 100 Treats and is only available for a limited time.

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  • house of evil simpsons tapped out

  3 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – House of Evil”

  1. you first must make the blackhole appear then whenever that occurs make sure homer has no tasks to do then get it will ask you to make a child (lisa,bart,milhouse etc) to go trick or treeting. only one of them is required then you must have 100 treats to buy the building

  2. Did I mess up on getting the house of evil? I didn’t know and made ALLthe kids go treat or tricking. But I already got the burns monster/heck house.

  3. It seems that I have done all of the requirements, but it is not initiating the quest to let me build the house of evil. I've got the Mayan God, 100 treats, and completed Flanders the Devil Pt. 2.

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