The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Kwik-E-Mart


The Kwik-E-Mart in The Simpsons: Tapped Out is finally unlocked at level Level 12 after you activate and complete the quest named Who Needs The Kwik-E-Mart. You may have already purchased a Kwik-E-Mart but is one really enough? Well if you only want to collect earnings from one Kwik-E-Mart. When Apu gets on the job with Kawik-E-Marts it can be quite a money maker because the income on it will surely make you want more.

Remember that the Kwik-E-Mart that you purchased with Apu at the beginning is the only Kwik-E-Mart with Apu and that you will not get another Apu if you purchase another one. In fact, the level 12 Kwik-E-Mart building is actually and probably the original building and that the developers needed a way to bring out the characters such as a Apu as well as making it re-purchasable. That being said, buy all the Kwik-E-Mart you need so you can start earning more income taxes to help grow your Tapped Out town in The Simpsons.

The Simpsons Tapped Out Kwik-E-Mart

This page is about...

  • second kwik e mart
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  One Response to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Kwik-E-Mart”

  1. One of my quick e marts will sell for more than the other. It is more than likely the first one I bought. If I sell it will it get rid of apu? Or affect my game play in any way. ? Many thanks

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