The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Mayan God


The Mayan God is a limited time character. You must obtain a total of 6 artifacts and construct them correctly to unlock the portal for the Mayan God to arrive in your Tapped Out city.

What makes this character different from every other characters we’ve faced is that this Mayan God cannot be controlled in any way. It just walks around your city and even when you tap on him, he does not respond to your gestures. Though unlocking this character, he will ask you a skill testing question. The answer is below.

This character is obtained when you construct the circle using the artifacts found through smashing zombies.

The Simpsons Tapped Out - Mayan God

First Release: Oct 4 2012

Classification: Treehouse of Horror XXIII

Job List: None

During the Halloween event, this Mayan God when unlock will give you a chance at Obtaining Homer’s alternative costume.

The answer to the question is “The Zune”

How to get Artifacts

Getting the Artifacts for Halloween in the Simpsons: Tapped Out is not difficult but just takes time. You can get them by smashing zombies coming from the cemetery or the pet  cemetery.

However, each day you can only obtain 2 artifacts. That means you must return each day until you have obtained all 6 to unlock this character for your Tapped Out city.

How to Build The Portal

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  19 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Mayan God”

  1. I have found 6 of the Mayan artifacts, however two of them are the same piece. Does this mean I have to collect double the amount? Or will the Mayan God appear when I have completed one full set of Mayan artifacts?

  2. I also have the same problem, 2 pieces are the same and as you can’t rotate them 360 degrees they don’t fit together… I wondered whether or not it was a glitch?

  3. Just keep on rearranging the pieces (probably done it 5x)
    Then you will be notified by Lisa.
    I was able to get mine and out comes the mayan god and he will ask you a question
    specified above and answer it as mentioned.

  4. You just need to rearrange the pieces. ADD ME – abejr22

  5. I have the same problem i have got two same pieces and a have rearranged the pieces 3 times but nothing happend :( what can i do to get the mayan god?

  6. *five times

  7. Why have I got 7 pieces & it won't let me unlock the Mayan god ?

  8. Anyone having trouble with the calendar:
    Sometimes it give duplicates, just put any of these in your inventory. You can still get the final piece in the same way as you got the others, just kill more zombies and hope to get lucky.
    When you finally put it together it wont complete the task immediately. First you have to place any spare pieces from your inventory. These do not have to be in any particular place, just putting them down should complete the task.
    Sorry if that doesn't work… I didn't have this problem but my brother did and doing that worked for him.
    Good luck

  9. I have had 6 pieces for a few days now and the god hasn’t appeared, is there something I’m missing? I’ve constructed it, rotated it, moved it from one point to another… Getting a little annoyed at this glitch.. Any suggestions? -kelinaa

    • I had the same issue and I tried over and over to reaarange the pieces. Then I literally watched the video above and assembled each piece in the same order as they did (and you have to look at the pieces really close to make sure it’s the right one) and I finally got the Mayan God. I fugure there is one piece that just kept throwing it all off because they look really similar. Try that!

  10. It says I have 6 pieces but only 5 of them are lighting up blue like that rest. And iv arranged them both ways and stil no Mayan god, feel a little bit ripped off

  11. Mine worked fine but i cant put homers cosume on

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