The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Police Station


To get the Police Station you are required to be at least level 17 and have completed the Miranda Rights Pt. 1 quest in your task book. If you don’t have Miranda Rights Pt. 1 quest then it’s time to start doing those quests! Many players find it difficult to advance because they skip forward just on the levels without doing a single quest but quests are important in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It is the only thing that will help you move forward in the game and not make it seem like a troll in a forest where you are just wandering around. By building this Police Station you are also gaining access to Police Officer Chief Wiggum, or Wiggum for short in Tapped Out. You will help boost security and protection with this police officer in your Tapped Out town so don’t wait any longer to build the police station because it will take 24-hours to build and be successfully completed.

The Simpsons Tapped Out Police Station

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  • how to get police station in simpsons tapped out
  • simpsons tappedout police station cost

  31 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Police Station”

  1. I have built kings toots along time ago and now i cannot buy the police station. There is only one task at a time in my task book and it’s for cletus and once I have completed that task it gives me another task for cletus. This has been happening for about 4 days and now I’m wondering if I the game has got a glitch or if it’s normal. Please reply and thanks for putting up the help page.

    • i am also having the same problem if i figure it out i can let you know but if you figure it out will you let me know please

  2. To start it you must have Apu to finish a seven day quest

  3. All I’m doing now is playing with 2 ( the teenager and clutes )

  4. Same issue for me.

  5. I’m having the same problem my only jobs are Cletus and the teenager let me know if u find a way this has been going in for days with me

  6. Same with me only cletus has to to jobs, and i got king Toots like a week ago, its really anoying, does anyone know what to to?

  7. I got the police station already but the task thing says I still have to build

  8. I got the police station already but the task thing says I still have to build

  9. How many times do I have to do this Cletus mission

  10. I’ve had king toots now for about 2 weeks I’ve had every1 I’ve got do every task possible but I still have not had the task for the police station. This must be some kind of glitch. All I’m found is getting more and more money but not able to do anything with it and there’s only so much u can do! Some 1 please help!

    • I am level 22&1/2 have same problem here, now I’m locked into the holiday season quests for several more weeks perhaps. Cannot get Wiggum.

  11. If you want to get the police station, make Apu do a 168h shift. Then after tap Apu, even though he doesn’t have an exclamation mark on top of him. Apu will say that we should build the police station. Then, it will be unlocked.

  12. I have made apu do several 168hour shift with nothing coming up, I am level 20. I haven’t even got krabappel apartment, muntz house, town hall or police station. I can’t even do the Christmas task because I can’t get Edna & nelsons house. I have just completed skinner going for a drink at moes twice and king toots shop, but nothing..

  13. Yeah I made apu do 178hr shift and during which sent Homer, Krusty, and Moe to the track, after which Apu was done, I just got the mission to build the Police Station saying he’s been robbed

  14. I’m having the same problem, add me tho at joshbeatty13

  15. heya add me pls.. jimbo41873

  16. I got the police station straight after I had built king toots.

  17. I know that you have do the quests but I have the bumblebee man and I can’t do his quest until I have city hall and city hall is way after the police station so am I stuck? And i am level 22 now. Idk what to do please help.

  18. I think it is a problem of quick players. I started 4 weeks ago, played often, did every upcoming task, build a lot of houses, added 50 friends, visited them every day and I’m already at level 24. The latest thing I got was “Golden truffle”. Far away from the police station. There’s a guy in my friendlist called “motorrobert”, Level 25, who hasn’t even got Moe’s place. But a lot of blue houses. That earns XP and $$ and pushes your level up. I’m afraid you still have to wait for the right quest.
    Feel free to add me: mcfkemner

  19. add me: kekmania

  20. I got the police station very close to king toots

  21. Hello All,

    I have a problem, my game will not let me invite anyone or let me accept anyone who invites me, it keeps saying “sorry an unexpected error has occurred” no matter what I do I get the same thing, the rest of the game works fine. I have been having this problem for about 2 weeks…anyone have any suggestions?


  22. I have the opposite problem it gave me police station after apu had finished a twelve hour shift yesterday but I still havent had the quest to allpw me to unlock king toots ive done all the quest before it but it just wont come up!

  23. I just turned level 19 an hour ago. I already have the police station and have the quest to build luigis. I’m missing king toots. Cant figure out how to get it

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