The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Springfield Penitentiary


To get the Springfield Penitentiary you need to level yourself to Level 19 to unlock the building so you can purchase it. Make no mistake it won’t be as easy as just leveling your character, you will need to complete the quest that is connected to the building of the Springfield Penitentiary.  This quest is named Crime Doesn’t Pay Unless You Make It, if you don’t see this quest in your task book then it’s time to redo all the quests there and make sure you have each one completed so you can unlock the Springfield Penitentiary. All of the quests must be completed in a sequence to be able to unlock future quests so leaving one or two behind may mean you have lost 2 or more quests that may take a while to complete. Once you have this Springfield Penitentiary unlocked you will find that it cost 92,000  (Lowered to 60,000) to build, which is quite a bit even at your level but once you are able to build it, you will also get Snake. Yup, that’s right Snake Jailbird the Springfield city criminal will join your city when you build the Springfield Penitentiary. The building time is also 24 hours.

The Simpsons Tapped Out Springfield Penitentiary

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  • cri:e doesnt pay unless you ma e it quest
  • criminals tapped out
  • how do i get the penitentiary on simpson tapped out
  • how to start the crime doesnt pay unless you make it quest
  • simpsons tapped out penetentry
  • tapped out penitentiary
  • tapped out springfield penitentiary Flickr

  4 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Springfield Penitentiary”

  1. How do you restart all quests

    • Like he said, you just have to complete all the quests in your queue, and then when they start assigning them again complete them as they come up, if you leave one incomplete and move on to easier ones that come up later, you will going out of order and won’t unlock certain rewards.

  2. The cost of the Penitentiary has been changed to 60,000.

  3. Please help I’m on level 24 and can’t unlock the town hall prison or retirement castle etc how do I redo quests n which quests

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