The Simpsons: Tapped Out – The Muntz House


The Muntz House is a new building released in version 2.3.0 for iOS players on September 21-26 after the release of their new update on September 19th 2012. The building was not initially added to the game until days later, at least not added into the new update. Players are required to download the new “streamed” update to get this building.

Tapped Out - Muntz House

Release Version: 2.3.0

Buying Price:
139,000 92500

Level Requirement: 21

Classification: Toughies

By purchasing the Muntz House you will also get access to Nelson and he will join your Tapped Out city in The Simpsons: Tapped Out game.

That being said, you need to be at least level 21 to unlock this house, which is quite a challenge for new players.


Requires Level 21, Nelson

Earns 90 Cash and 10 XP every 4 hours

  8 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – The Muntz House”

  1. The house was only 92500, not 139000

  2. I am level 22 and still can’t unlock Nelson’s house. What’s up with it?

  3. Im at level 27 and still no nelso
    ns house

  4. You need to have martin free and bart

  5. I’m on level 26, have Bart and Martin free and still no muntz house!

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