The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Willie’s Shack
To get Willie’s Shack in The Simpsons: Tapped Out, you must already have built the Springfield Elementary. Once you have built the Springfield Elementary, Seymour will send you on a number of quests then eventually you will receive a quest named School house Crock Pt. 4. Once you reach this quest you also are required to be at least level 10 for the building to be activated and ready to be built.
Upon building Willie’s Shack you will notice it is considerably small. It almost looks like a tent but it does earn you some good money for your level and on top of that it unlocks Groundskeeper Willie in The Simpsons: Tapped Out for your Tapped Out town. Willie’s Shack will earn you 110 cash and 11 xp every 6 hours so its not that bad but the big thing is Willie will also be in your town. Unlocking Willie will allow you to gain more money from his daily jobs and unlock some quests that relates to him and the Springfield Elementary.
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Se bloqueó ese proceso de la cabaña sale k ya puedo construirla pero aún dice misión y ya me dieron la misión de construirla pero no puedo hacerlo, ayúdenme y
You also need to unlock Willie’s shack to start building the Cooling Towers…
I have a task telling me to build Willie’s Shack, but it’s locked…
Yeah, this is what’s Happening to me. I need to find a fix for it
I did find a site that said it was a bug. You have to do more School quests before it unlocks. But, I have been waiting for new quests, but nothing yet…
Yea I’m exactly same as you guys, I’m level 11 and receiving no school quests, bit of a pain really
Hy!!!i need a favor…i have a task in wich tell s me that i have to add friends…and i send emails with the game to my friends but none of them are playing this game…and the lost three friends that are playing this game….i have pending requests
)) because they are not playing the game from months:))).so please hellp me with some id names to add them as friends:)…so who wanna be my friend?
My id name is Hnicky just add me i need people 2
everyone who wants to add me go ahead
It won’t let me invite people, and I’m not even close to the friends limit. I keep getting a friends request failed. So please add me tinascorzo.
take the springfield elementary and put it in the inventory then take it back out
Didnt work
It happening to me too, I thought it was something I’d done or not done so in a way I’m glad I’m not the only one!!
Ah. So it’s a bug.. Knew it.i have completed everything possible.. Now stuck locked on Willies Shack task.
Damn you developers. I spent $150 in donuts so far.!
Woah $150 in donuts? Man, casual games aren’t so casual anymore.
Didn’t work.. But thanks.
have you done the crossing guard with skinner schoolhouse crock pt?
take the springfield elementary and put it in the inventory then take it back out . it gave me the schoolhouse crock pt to do. i was just about to delete it stuck on it for a week i hope this helps you
Tried, still locked. It did give another Skinner quest though. We’ll see.
Finally got it unlocked. Had to do some other quests before Skinner got his. But I now have my shack and i am going to sleep on the toilet…
You smell
Add me sesager1
you smell
In the Christmas Update, I got a quest for Willie’s Shack but, when it is finished, I press it and the whole game crashes?
Even In fact when I place anything :L
Add me srenos
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armourant !!
How do you get free donuts
Add me NJW666
Add me natsudrogon
Please add me totally addicted used to be a daily fb player but the 2 games I was into were changed and one was completely deleted after I spent real money so I’m a big tiny fan but right now Simpsons tapped is my fav pls add me
I’m having all the same issues. I put the school into the inventory and took it back out and have gotten nothing. Plz add me: BamberCole2011
Are there any fix for Willies shack yet ?
Add me Jonascbc xD
I have reached level 11 & I still can’t unlock willie’s shack!!! I tried putting the school in my inventory & taking it back out, but nothing happened. I haven’t received any of the schoolhouse quests yet! Once I built the school, it only asked me to complete skinners “looking for doves in all the wrong places” quests, which I have already completed. I want the shack! Is there anything I can do, or do I have to wait til the bug gets fixed?!?!?
Add meeee ms__bunny103 thanks!
I’m having the same issue, and I’m not at level 11. I’ve tried putting the school in my inventory and even having the principle do the crossing guard job (not as the quest, haven’t gotten that quest yet). My boyfriend has been playing for a while now and never had any issues, but please someone fix this bug\issue soon!!
Had same problem,I put it in the inventory and once I put it down again got part 1 of the challenge
How the hack m I going to get the school crock house pt 4
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how long does it take to build???