Tiny Monsters: Independence Monster


The Independence Monster was released to Tiny Monsters players on June 29th 2012 as part of the Independence Day Event for Tiny Monsters. This Independence Monster is a limited time monster that can only be obtained during Independence Event.

The Independence Monster features an eagle that closely relates to the bird that represents the United States and is definitely an amazing bird. When you first see the Independence Monster it does look adorable and cute but rest assured that when it grows up it will be a bird of confident and pride. When it is in it’s full form it actually looks much more cool and is perhaps one of the most detailed designs in Tiny Monsters yet.

Although the Independence Monster has an element of Fire and Air, its design is very different from its elements and the Inferno Monster. The Independence Monster, unlike the Inferno Monster, features almost no representation of fire. It’s colors are White, Red, And Blue making it seem like one of the more natural monsters in Tiny Monsters compared to the rest. In fact, this Independence Monster feels as if it is one of the most natural monsters that are not affected by its elements.

To get and breed the Independence Monster you need to use the main elements of Fire and Air. There is no special method to getting this monster and in fact it is easy to breed for the Independence Monster and the breeding time is 5 hours.

“Seen soaring through the skies around Monster Mountain, adventurers noticed that the Independence monster’s flight seems to affect all the creatures below it. Monsters would look to the sky, as though remembering an important event that happened long ago. Captain Alexander believes the monster is a memory given form.” -Independence Monster Game Description

 Tiny Monsters Fire ElementTiny Monsters Air Element

Tiny Monsters Independence Monster Baby

Release Date: June 29, 2012

Breeding Time: 5 Hours

Hatching Time: 5 Hours
Buying Price: 350Tiny Monsters - Diamonds
Selling Price: 1875 Tiny Monsters - Coins
Habitat: Fire Habitat, Air Habitat
Unlock Level: 18


 Tuck In Time:  3 Hours

 Tuck In Time: 9 Hours

Special Event: Independence Event


Independence Monster breeding guide

The Independence Monster in Tiny Monster can be bred using the key elements which are Fire and Air. If you want to breed the Independence Monster then you must use a Fire Monster and a Air Monster in the breeding den. The breeding time for the Independence Monster should be 5 Hours.

You can also use an Inferno Monster and an Air Monster for a chance to breed the Independence Monster for your Tiny Monsters mountaintop.

Independence Monster Evolution

If you want to evolve your Independence Monster then be sure to level your Independence Monster to level 5 for a teen Independence Monster then level the Independence Monster to level 8 for the adult form.

Independence Monster Earnings

Level Earnings
Level 1 20Tiny Monsters - Coins Level 6  87
Level 2  34 Level 7  101
Level 3  47 Level 8  115
Level 4  60 Level 9  128
Level 5  74 Level 10  144


Independence Monster Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Level Food
Level 1 35Tiny Monsters -Food Level 6  215
Level 2  75 Level 7  230
Level 3  110 Level 8  285
Level 4  145 Level 9  320
Level 5  180 Level 10 Tiny Monsters -Food


Tiny Monsters Independence Monster Evolution Pictures

Tiny Monsters Independence Monster EggTiny Monsters Independence Monster BabyTiny Monsters Independence Monster TeenTiny Monsters Independence Monster Adult


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  6 Responses to “Tiny Monsters: Independence Monster”

  1. I have bred Air and Fire about 16 times and have not yet gotten the "Independence Monster" but get the red egg which holds the Inferno monster….. so sad.

  2. I used mythic fire and regular air and got it!

  3. if you've already gotten a normal version is it possible to get a mythic version after the limited edition monster is no longer in the store?

  4. I used a mysthic fire and regular air, then I got it.

  5. I bred an adult regular air with an adult regular fire on July 27, after the event was over, and got the independence monster. I wonder how…

  6. 1st aug 12. long after the independence event is over, i bred a zephyr and cinder monster and somehow came out with an independence monster. sweet.

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