Tiny Monsters: Large Farm


“As monster populations diversified and expanded, the need for food rose. Through intensive study of Plant monsters, farmers were able to apply their discoveries toward efficient use of the mountain’s fertile land. These Large Farms improve food production, allowing horticulturalists to develop exotic new crops.”

Price: 250,000
Level Requirement: 16
Construction Experience: 27746
Tiny Monsters - Large Farm

Type Food Time/Wait Cost
Heartichokes 10 Food 45 Seconds 30 coins
Toadshrroms 70Food 15 Minutes 60coins
Egg-Plants 120 Food 2 Hours 270 coins
Golden Guavas 310 Food 6 Hours 750 coins
Lucky Lettuce 490 Food 12 Hours 1.47k coins
Royal Radish 845 Food 1 day 12 Hours 4.45k coins

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  One Response to “Tiny Monsters: Large Farm”

  1. Can you plz tell me about the new luck monster

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