Tiny Monsters: Marine Monster


The Marine Monster in Tiny Monster was introduced on may 24th 2013 as part of Tiny Monsters Ice element monsters. Today’s monster holds an element of Ice and Water! This monster features a Walrus design. It’s actually represents the spirit of Marine for Spring.

If you haven’t seen the  Monster then know that it features a Walrus as its design and it’s actually quite unique compared to the other monsters because of it’s coloring that represents the US flag for Memorial Day.

“The Marine Monster is famous for a long history of heroic efforts, having saved many from drowning and ship wrecks in the heart of the ocean. According to legends, the Marine Monster is the most charitable of Water Hybrids, often refusing rewards of food or gifts for its aid. “ -Marine Monster Game Description

 Tiny Monsters Ice ElementTiny Monsters Water Element

Tiny Monsters Marine Monster

Release Date: April 12th 2013
Breeding Time: 12Hours
Hatching Time: 12 Hours
Selling Price:  900Tiny Monsters - Coins
Habitat: Water, Ice Habitat
Unlock Level:10

 Tuck In Time: 5 Hours
 Tuck In Time: 20  Hours


  • Mythic Marine Monster
User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Tiny Monsters: Marine Monster Key Features

  • Ice creature
  • Flowers all around
  • Ice Elements
  • Ice/Water Habitat placement
  • 12 hours breeding/ hatching time

Marine Monster breeding guide

The Monster in Tiny Monster can be bred using the key elements which are Ice and Water.

If you want to breed the Monster then you must use a Ice Monster and a Water Monster in the breeding den. The breeding time for the Monster should be 12 Hours.

Tested combination are:

  • Ice Monster + Water Monster
Please keep in mind the breeding order of left or right does not matter and the level of your monsters breeding also does not matter. It is up to Marine to give you an opportunity at getting this monster.

Marine Monster Evolution

If you want to evolve your  Monster then be sure to level your Marine Monster to level 5 for a teen Marine Monster then level the Marine Monster to level 8 for the adult form.

Marine Monster Earnings

Level Earnings Level Earnings
Level 1  3 Level 6  13
Level 2  7 Level 7  14
Level 3  9 Level 8  16
Level 4  11 Level 9  17
Level 5  12 Level 10  22Tiny Monsters - Coins

Marine Monster Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Level Food
Level 1 40 Level 6  345
Level 2  85 Level 7  485
Level 3 125 Level 8  525
Level 4  165 Level 9  865
Level 5  205 Level 10 Tiny Monsters -Food

Tiny Monsters Marine Monster Evolution Pictures

Egg Baby
 Tiny Monsters Marine Monster egg
Teen Adult


  2 Responses to “Tiny Monsters: Marine Monster”

  1. Imposible to catch the marine monster

  2. I got this with mythic ice on the left and pond on the right

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