Apr 162013

Dragon Story players got a brand new dragon at the beginning of this week called the Dawntree Dragon. This single element dragon has one element and it is the green element or plant element. The dragon itself looks like a tree design with brown and green.  Some players may assume that this dragon requires a special combination, however it does not.

Dragon Story Dawntree Dragon

If you want to breed one of these dragons for your game just simply use any green element dragon with another green element dragon. The breeding time for this dragon is 26 hours which should say 2 days on the breeding timer. That means it’ll take roughly 1 day and 2 hours for the dragon to breed and another 1 day and 2 hours for the dragon to hatch. A total of 2 days and 4 hours for you to be able to place him into your island.

We have tested that you can simply use the Forest Dragon and the Forest Dragon for a chance to get this dragon in your game. This combination is also the best combination in the game because it has the lowest breeding time if you did not get the Dawntree dragon. The breeding time for the forest dragon if failed is about 10 seconds while if you do get the dawntree dragon the breeding time is 26 hours.

Please keep in mind that the order you select the dragon does not matter, and the level also does not matter.


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  • how to get dawntree dragon in dragon story

  4 Responses to “Dragon Story: Dawntree Dragon has been released for breeding!”

  1. Got my dawntree egg today!

  2. Yea. Just breed Forest/Forest OR Forest/Emerald and you will guarantee get the dragon within 5 minutes. This dragon is BONUS from Gameteep.

    • Seems easier on android tho … Cuz ii play on both apple & android but ii got it on my android with like 10tries … but on apple im way over 10 tries and still nothing …

  3. Yaay mine is breeding right now :D It was my 3rd try =^^=

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