Dragon Story: Bat Dragon
The Bat Dragon in Dragon Story was discovered on March 4th 2013 and released on March 4th 2013 right after the impressive Night Dragon that was just released the week before. The Bat Dragon goes back to its roots with amazing new dragons for your Dragon Story Isle.
Release Date:
March 4 2013
Rarity: Rare
Hatching Time: 9 Hours
Buying Price: 1,300
Selling Price: 100
Habitat: Black Sands
Level Requirement: 10
Evolution Time: 9 Hours
Dragon Story: Bat Dragon Key Features
- Black Dragon Hybrid
- Super Rare
Dragon Story: Bat Dragon breeding guide
The breeding combination for this dragon has not been confirmed in this recent release. However, the most recommended combination is using an Night Dragon and an Air Dragon..
The breeding time is 9 Hours hours which is 08:59:59 Hours on the timer.
The breeding time for the Bat Dragon is 9 Hours. Breeding of the dragons left or right does not matter or make a difference. It is up to the the luck of your game to give you a Bat Dragon or another dragon.
For new players, keep in mind that breeding the dragon left or right does not matter. The level of your breeding dragons also does not matter, it is up to your game to give you this Bat Dragon or have another pending dragon to sell in your Dragon Story Isle.
Once you have obtained the Bat dragon egg and the hatched the Bat dragon you can place the Bat dragon into the Black Sands habitat in your Dragon Story island.
Dragon Story: Bat Dragon Evolution Guide
The Dragon Story Bat Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolution. You will gain his Adult form after level 6 and when you feed your dragon towards level 9 he will then use the evolution chamber once again.
When you evolve your dragon from level 9 to level 10 he will evolve into his final form which is named “Epic” form.
Dragon Story: Bat Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]
Level | Earnings |
Earnings | |
Level 1 |
379![]() |
Level 6 | 917 | |
Level 2 | 451 | Level 7 | 1190 | |
Level 3 | 515 | Level 8 | 1303 | |
Level 4 | 727 | Level 9 | 1398 | |
Level 5 | 830 | Level 10 |
1705![]() |
Dragon Story: Bat Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart
Level | Food Req. | Level | Food Req. |
Level 1 | 20 | Level 6 | 1000 |
Level 2 | 40 | Level 7 | 2400 |
Level 3 | 100 | Level 8 | 5600 |
Level 4 | 240 | Level 9 | 10000 |
Level 5 | 600 | Level 10 | Max![]() |
Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart
Egg | Baby |
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Teen | Adult |
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Epic | |
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YEAH GOT IT !!! 2nd tries !!!! My iD : Spiky_69
I know u were LIE!
Nils stop lying everyones!
Got it by breeding night and air dragon. 3rd try. 🙂
Night and air first try
GOT IT !!! Night and Air dragon, First try 😀
My ID Luciife2
still trying …. tried about 6/7 times now and just wont come!
do not breed please purchase thank u
Why the heck are u telling everyone to purchase?Who would like to spend their hard-earned gold on a dragon which can be bred?What is the reason u ask everyone to buy???????
what the heck? I’m not wasting my money on freaking gold… I’M NOT AN IDIOT!
I have tried two times and both clown dragon
I’m already to get it for over 3 weeks, but it wont come ):
I used the mist and night dragons. I know it says it doesnt matter what age your dragon is,but my night dragon only works well with epic form mates.
Find me at dragon sanctuary my storm ID is Tharra7
I just got this on 3rd try!! Add me Pokelover586
i want it , whats the best matches to breed it? i tried night + air but didnt work and how is mist and night dragon? i mite try that 1 tmrw, also wouldn’t mind clown dragon
i got this and trolltrying to breed tigers eye but i thinki finally got tigers eye
I have probably tried 20 times for this and Leo and I have gotten ridiculous amounts of mists, and corals, even a few genies, maybe now that the social dragon is released ill get him while using the night and air combo I just want something new!!
I have tried to get this bat dragon, literally, 20 times. I have had the exact same outcomes. I’ve had Dino, Coral, Mistmoth, Leo, Social, New Year, and others I can’t even remember. It’s insane! I really want the bat dragon so I can breed it with my mythic dragon.
OK I bred a Night and Mirage dragon and i got 9h.It will definitely be a black dragon but which one?Goblin or Bat?Fingers are crossed.
I got one with the combo of night + Mirage. Add me: skylenders
Got this dragon in the first try using night and air. Add me, my storm8 ID – rohitav916.