Dragon Story: Caesar Dragon


The Caesar Dragon in Dragon Story was discovered on November 2 2012 but was officially announced on January 28th 2013 and is released right after the impressive week of not having a new dragon the week before. The Caesar Dragon goes back to its roots with amazing new dragons for your Dragon Story Isle.

” Veni, vidi, vici! Even from a young age, the Caesar Dragon is precocious in exerting its control over other young dragons. Hatchlings flock to this charismatic young breed for its assertiveness, though others think Caesar Dragons can be a bit too aggressive and territorial.” – Dragon Story: Caesar Dragon Shop Description

Dragon Story White elementDragon Story Plant Element IconDragon Story Air Element Icon

Dragon Story Caesar Dragon icon

Release Date: Jan 31st 2013

Rarity: Rare

Hatching Time:  23 Hours
Buying Price:  1,500 Dragon Story Gold Icon
Selling Price: 100 Dragon Story Coin Icon
Habitat: Green/White/Yellow
Level Requirement: 10

Evolution Time:  23 Hours

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.5/5 (5 votes cast)

Dragon Story: Caesar Dragon Key Features

  • Three element dragon.
Dragon Story Caesar Dragon Official

Dragon Story: Caesar Dragon breeding guide

The breeding combination for this dragon has not been confirmed in this recent release. However, the most recommended combination is using an Fruitful Dragon and an Light Dragon.

The breeding time is 23 hours which is 22:59:59 on the timer.

The breeding time for the Caesar Dragon is 23 Hours. Breeding of the dragons left or right does not matter or make a difference. It is up to the the luck of your game to give you a Caesar Dragon or another dragon.

Alternative combinations include:

  • Fairy Dragon + Light Dragon
  • Parakeet Dragon + Light Dragon
  • Fuzzy Dragon + Air Dragon
  • Pegasus Dragon + Air Dragon
  • Griffin Dragon + Forest Dragon
  • Sunrise Dragon + Forest Dragon

For new players, keep in mind that breeding the dragon left or right does not matter. The level of your breeding dragons also does not matter, it is up to your game to give you this Caesar Dragon or have another pending dragon to sell in your Dragon Story Isle.

Once you have obtained the Caesar dragon egg and the hatched the Caesar dragon you can place the Caesar dragon into the Yellow/Green/White habitat in your Dragon Story island.

Dragon Story: Caesar Dragon Evolution Guide

The Dragon Story Caesar Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolution. You will gain his Adult form after level 6 and when you feed your dragon towards level 9 he will then use the evolution chamber once again.

When you evolve your dragon from level 9 to level 10 he will evolve into his final form which is named “Epic” form.

Dragon Story: Caesar Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings Level Earnings
Level 1  300Dragon Story Coin Icon Level 6  1080
Level 2  600 Level 7  1,140
Level 3  750 Level 8  1,290
Level 4  900 Level 9  1,335
Level 5  990 Level 10 1,410Dragon Story Coin Icon

Dragon Story: Caesar Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1 15Dragon Story - Food icon Level 6 750
Level 2 30 Level 7 1800
Level 3 75 Level 8 4200
Level 4 180 Level 9 7500
Level 5 450 Level 10 MaxDragon Story - Food icon

Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby
 Dragon Story Caesar Dragon egg  Dragon Story Caesar Dragon icon
Teen Adult
 Dragon Story Caesar Dragon Teen  Dragon Story Caesar Dragon Adult
 Dragon Story Caesar Dragon Epic


Caesar Dragon Breeding & Evolution Videos

  83 Responses to “Dragon Story: Caesar Dragon”

  1. I’m going to be so mad if another dragon stabs this dragon. SO MAD!
    PS: Add me as a neighbor! My ID is: aceblade

  2. Breed light dragon + parakeet and got an egg with 23 hours breeding time. Hope it is the caesar dragon.

  3. Just breed a sunrise + forest. Got the caesar on a 23 hours breeding time.

  4. Yeah, if its 23 hours its the one. i already got the egg. I used Light level 10 and Elf level 10. Add me – JuJazz27

  5. Thts jusjazz27 🙂

  6. got it with fuzzy/seabreeze

  7. Lol got it first try with fruitful and light both epics 🙂

  8. I just breed a Light lv.10 with a Fruitful lv.10, it worked on the first time. Now I’m waiting for the Caesar. ^.^

  9. got one first try with sunrise lvl 7 and forest lvl10…. now if only they give us android the left and right heart dragons and the pssaion dragon! cause if they don’t i will be ticked…. Oh yea

  10. my id is ReturningDragon

  11. I am gonna try light and fairies if not works I’m gonna try griffin and forest wonder which one will work, id aangeldragon

  12. I got it on my first attempt of breeding a level 7 Light Dragon and a level 4 Fairy Dragon,at least the breding time is 23 hours an my goal book showed up as PROGRESS when I got the 23h breeding time, home I helped you.

  13. Level 7 Light Dragon bred with Lv 7 Scarecrow = Caesar Dragon (first attempt)

  14. got it with fuzzy and air “ID Kekuiniowaimea”

  15. add my id mcasper46

  16. U all r liars and r fresh!
    add me punjidthebossmanting

  17. Got it with light and fairy on first try. Seeing the comments here seems that it’s not that rare

  18. Got it first time with Pegasus and Sunrise

  19. Got it at 1st attempt using lv 9 light & lv 8 elf! ^^

  20. im breeding light epic and fruitful lvl 9 and got 2days n e 1 no wot im breeding? ? thanks add me pinklady27 works on most storm 8 games daily player.

  21. Got it first time with fairy and light dragon. Id rachums

  22. Got 23 hours on first try with sunrise and parakeet 🙂

  23. “Once you have obtained the Caesar dragon egg and the hatched the Caesar dragon you can place the Caesar dragon into the Diamond fields habitat in your Dragon Story island” a mistake here. It’s not diamond fields…

  24. breed fuzzy+griffin = 23hours (caesar)

  25. Got it at my first go ad me ayaan666

  26. Sunrise dragon +fruitful dragon

  27. Also got it first try using a Light and Fairy dragon. Seems most are having an easy time breeding this one. =)

    Feel free to add
    ID: zNighteyes

  28. Love the Caesar dragon, got him on my second try!!

  29. Got it 1st try .. when i saw i tried to breed it and got 23 hours and i evolved it to 10 light and parakeet both epic (it doesnt matter)

  30. I got mine first try! Used light+elf dragon. Add me aevans38

  31. I got it already and I have all three breed dragons an all diamond dragons except the infinity

  32. I got it already and I have all three breed dragons an all diamond dragons except the infinity add me Ca1um

  33. I bred leopard and forest and got 2nd try

  34. Got it 2nd try add id boulakx

  35. I tried 3times light+fairy..all i got is fuzzy..damn!!im mad!!n the 4th time i tried is griffin…….what the….!!!!i wan caesar dragon!!oh man!!

  36. first try using griffin n forest, i got it. anyone knows combination to get mirage????? add me rexblind7

    • i got my mirage after 4th try. im using seabreeze lv 7 and fire lv 4 and finally got mirage. now im breeding fruitfull and light and i got 23 hours breeding time. hope it will be caesar

  37. I just got it

  38. Hope i get it..first time try, it’s show 23hours.. breeding lvl 6 fruit n epic light..
    Add me “rich_arn”, u help me i help u

  39. Im trying elf with light and its 23 hours, hope its caesar!!

  40. firs try with sunrise epic and fuzzy epic…
    add me ID asmaulgarner…

  41. I got one on the first try by breeding lvl10 light and lvl 10 fruitful. Add Kgray1009

  42. Never been so happy to see that 23 hour time. Got lucky with A fuzzy and a fairy dragon. Feel free to add me, Blade492

  43. Got it first try with sunrise and forest! Please add AshBashBash15

  44. Just got one. Add me “plasma1996”

  45. got this at first try breed light dragon+ parakeet dragon

  46. First time:)
    With fairy dragon & light dragon..!

  47. Got it on my first try using light and fruitful both epic.

  48. I tried 5 times already! either with Light+Elf or Light+Fairy, all i got were fuzzy, fruitful, parakeet and sunrise, please give me caesar!!!

  49. GREAT DESIGN! I’v tried many times but I got 23 hours with Virtue + Scarecrow Dragon, all lv7. OMG I can’t wait!!!!! add me: ntd89

  50. Level 10 light & level 10 fruitful first try. But I had tried with other ones b4. Add me luckygemini4

  51. I got it second try. First try I used sunrise+forest then I tried fuzzy+air and got it. Also add me as neighbors my ID is beastcaliente and my brothers is elpolloloco69 add us we play erryday

  52. I got the ceasar dragon egg first shot breeding white with fairy. I had originally bred white with fruitful and got fuzzy dragon which was certainly not disappointing. Been getting rather lucky lately but wasn’t trying at the very beginning

  53. Light dragon + Fairy dragon

  54. Did Leopard and Forest. Got it. Did Pink and Athletic to get Left and Right Heart dragons

  55. Finally got it with Epic Light and Epic Fairy. Had more than 7 attempts for this.

  56. elf and light… first try.

  57. Mine just hatched! Such a cute dragon. Got it on 2nd try using Pegasus and air, both epic.
    Add me levigaga

  58. I bred light and fairy and I just got it 🙂 add me to see ID is sophiana83

  59. Light dragon and fruitful dragon … first try 🙂 Yay! Pls add me if u want. Id is Blueyedbelle.

  60. I’m using lv7 fairy dragon and lv4 right dragon it has 23 hours I hope it a Caesar dragon 🙂 add me tisha2302

  61. Got it on my first try. Epic Form Fruitful Dragon + Epic Form Sunrise Dragon, and it’s incubating at the moment. Can’t wait for it to hatch! Please also add: poetdragon23

  62. I keep on trying but I don’t see 23 hours. Add me bleedingheart1.

  63. I breezed sunrise and forest and it was 26 hrs….what is it? Anyone know?

  64. So I´m totally irked by this one. I’ve tried 6 times now and not succeeded at all. I did get a leopard, fuzzy, luck, and fruitful out of it though. Sold the other 2 since I didn’t have room or want another fuzzy or fruitful. I’ve been trying with the light and fruitful.

  65. I keep getting frigging fruitfuls and fairies!!!!! If I wanted more fairies I’d watch twilight! Grrrr elusive dragon. I have tried every combo listed:(

  66. Add DorothyBelle

    • I have been trying for a month and still haven’t got one. I keep tryin fruitful and light both epic and keep getting more and more fruitful and fairy dragons. I’m getting kinda frustrated.

      • Think i am breeding it right now, saw this, tried to take a shot seabreeze epic on left x fuzzy lvl 6 on the right…….BAM……. 23 hrs ID=jeroen1975

        • I bred virtue and fairy tale and got Caesar. I bred landworm and clown And got diamond first try. ID: Belleria

  67. I got the Caesar from breeding Tusker and Fourleaf first try.

  68. I got the Caesar dragon from breeding Tusker and Fourleaf first try. It depends on your luck on breeding rare, super rare or ultra rare dragon.

  69. Everyone keeps saying they got it their first try. I’ve tried over 50 times. This is super frustrating.

  70. Just got Caesar with Pegasus and Wildflower.

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