Dragon Story: Serpent Dragon


A snake-like dragon is what the Serpent Dragon is in Dragon Story. This tiny green dragon will certainly have you want to continue breeding more of these amazing dragons in your island. The Serpent dragon is actually a water and plant dragon. At first breeders may think it’s plant and air to do the design and position of the dragon in the air but that’s correct it’s a water and plant element dragon.

Once you have been able to breed the serpent dragon you can place the serpent dragon into a green or blue habitat so it plays along with the other plant and water dragons you have.

” Serpent dragons manifest the psychic attitudes of water and nature, they are serene, but unpredictable. They’re known to hide in the tiniest spaces, like water flowing through gravel. ” – Dragon Story: Serpent Dragon Shop Description


Dragon Story Water Blue Symbol Dragon Story Plant Element Icon

Dragon Story - Serpent Dragon Baby

Release Date: Original
Rarity: Rare

Hatching Time:  16 Hours
Buying Price:  600 Dragon Story Gold Icon
Selling Price: 100 Dragon Story Coin Icon
Habitat:  Green Blue
Level Requirement: 10

Evolution Time #1: 16 Hours

Evolution Time #2: 16 Hours


Dragon Story: Serpent Dragon breeding guide

The Serpent dragon is a high level creature that requires you to be at least level 10 to unlock. Even if you do have the water and plant habitat for this dragon you may not be able to breed him until you have unlock the serpent dragon in the market. To breed the serpent dragon use a water dragon and a forest dragon in your breeding den.


Dragon Story: Serpent Dragon Evolution Guide

The Dragon Story Serpent Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolutions.

Dragon Story: Serpent Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings
Level 1 240Dragon Story Coin Icon Level 6 580Dragon Story Coin Icon
Level 2 285Dragon Story Coin Icon Level 7 Dragon Story Coin Icon
Level 3 326Dragon Story Coin Icon Level 8 Dragon Story Coin Icon
Level 4 460Dragon Story Coin Icon Level 9 Dragon Story Coin Icon
Level 5 525Dragon Story Coin Icon Level 10 1,080Dragon Story Coin Icon

Dragon Story: Serpent Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1 1Dragon Story - Food icon Level 6 100Dragon Story - Food icon
Level 2 4Dragon Story - Food icon Level 7 240Dragon Story - Food icon
Level 3 8Dragon Story - Food icon Level 8 500Dragon Story - Food icon
Level 4 20Dragon Story - Food icon Level 9 1000Dragon Story - Food icon
Level 5 50Dragon Story - Food icon Level 10 MaxDragon Story - Food icon

Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby Teen Adult Epic
 Dragon Story - Serpent Dragon Egg  Dragon Story - Serpent Dragon Baby    Dragon Story - Serpent Dragon Adult  Dragon Story - Serpent Dragon Epic

  111 Responses to “Dragon Story: Serpent Dragon”

  1. S

  2. Not sure your way will work.. I used red and green to make orange dragon, then bread with yellow (air) and made wild dragon. Then bread wild dragon with blue (water) to get serpent 😉

  3. I tried that but i got island again;/

  4. I bred a mist dragon with a forest dragon and got a serpent dragon

  5. So wild and water? I tried it but i got island dragon two times!!!!! Did you really breed wild and water?

  6. I'm breeding a life dragon and water dragon.

  7. i’m breeding WILD and WATER..breeding period is just 3 hours..i don’t think i’m gonna get a SERPENT

  8. I have a serpent dragon, got it by breeding wild and island.
    Got the serpent dragon the second time i was breeding wild and island together, wild on the right and island on the left, when i did it the other way around i just got another island dragon.

  9. I got a serpent when I was trying to get a diamond with firestorm and island

    • I tried the fire storm and island with no luck:( and also tried eagle and serpent with no luck:(. I guess the diamond will remain a mystery!

  10. Looks like hatching time of serpant change to 16 hr ^^

  11. the hatching time of serpent is now 16 hours after the patch.

  12. I got it by water(left) and forest(right) after 5tries.

  13. Im am on my sixteenth try at getting a serpent…. I have tried water and forest 12 times then firestorm and island twice. Also mist and forest twice. Is there anything else I should try? This clearly isn’t working…..

  14. I am breeding a Water and a Forest breeding time 16 hours :)))

  15. I got a serpent egg by combining the fruitful dragon and the water dragon, First water and then the fruit one, and got it the first try, while i wasn’t aiming for him 🙂

  16. I don’t know what is wrong with my game. Whenever i try to breed, it comes with the same result. I’ve gotten 5 eagle dragons and zero firestorms. I’ve gotten a 3 mindvolts and no mists. I just can’t get a serpent for the same reason…

  17. I tried it like so many times and I still can't get the serpent dragon!

    • It took me 22 times but I eventually got one by breeding a mist and a forest after the third try. Why don’t you try that?

  18. is it because that my water dragon have envolve to level 7?

  19. I used island dragon and forest dragon and got serpent ragon

  20. I have a complaint. The time for making apples in the dragon story has stayed the same, but the amount of apples produced was reduced in HALF

  21. i do not know if this will help but I know how to get a eagle dragon breed a leval 7firestorm and a leval 7fire together her.O I am breeding a water and a forest it say it is take 20 hours what is it?

  22. I was about to get a serpent by doing water on the left and forset on the right
    but then it said “processing” then they went away now it did not work 🙁

  23. I got a stupid island dragon

  24. finally I got the serpent dragon and it is now adult stage.

  25. I am really trying to get a serpent dragon. And now i bred water with fruitful and it stod 20 hours.
    Does anybody know what dragon it is?

  26. got a serpent in me habitat i used atlantis and islad and i got one
    Prove: S8 id: Lighting987

  27. Me too I got
    Level 7 water and level 7 forest
    Add me Chaoslord9910

  28. I got one yippy :D. it is still an egg but the way I got it was by breeding a atlantis dragon with a forest dragon it take 16 hours hope this helps:)

  29. It was weird I did Atlantis and magic but I guess it was luck

  30. Got it first try with a regular forest dragon on the left, regular water dragon on the right.

  31. Yes! finally got it after my 78 time ^^ add me ID:sweetpie18

  32. I breed island and water it takes me 15mins what is it!!???

  33. I got mine forest and water first try lol actually wanted a island dragon ^_^

  34. It’s all about tries, I bred forest and water both level 7 and the first try I got Island, second try Island, third time Atlantis (so much luck) fourth try Island again and finally the fifth i got Serpent. Just try and good luck!

  35. I got a serpent dragon by putting a Mist dragon on the left and a forest dragon on the right I got it on the first try. You could also save gold to buy a serpent dragon if your having trouble breeding one. If you breed a serpent dragon and an eagle dragon you will get a diamond dragon. Add me!(: JStyles16

  36. what dragon goes on wich side I been trying for ages

  37. Im breeding water and forest and say 20 hours what dragon could be?

  38. I got 2 serpent !! Add me and ask for helps 🙂 id: muach7

  39. I got serpent by breeding Atlantis and Forest 16hours

  40. Level 4 Forest + Level 4 Water = Serpent
    Got it on my first try

  41. Level 4 Mist + Level 4 Water = Serpent

  42. First I breaded firestorm and island and got a scorpion dragon and then I breeded scorpion and firestorm to get eagle and it work like a charm

  43. Got it with lv 10 Magic and lv 10 Island first try

  44. I got it with water and grass

  45. I got a serpent by accident (after maybe 15 tries) i was breeding a level 9 atlantis with a level 10 eagle to get a diamond (but kept getting island, mist, 1 scorpian, and 1 serpent (in breeding now))

  46. I'm breeding an island dragon and an Atlantis dragon. Will it work, or will it fail?

  47. I breed firestorm and island for the first time and get a 16 hour breed time, I think it’s serpent add me pokelover586

  48. I got one on my first try with a water dragon level five and and life dragon level seven.

  49. Funny, I try to have an Island dragon and the two times I bred Forest and Water I got a Mermaid and a Serpent.

  50. Does any one what dragon I will get by breeding my mermaid & firestorm dragon pls I need too know thnx

  51. I bred island and light to get a serpent. Anyone know about the diamond? Add me btw my ID is FriskybutAdorable

  52. Island and Light. Anyone know about the diamond?

  53. I got my serpent on my 4th or 5th try with my forest and water dragons.

    My ID is Faerhlsm if you want to check him out, but I’m still working on getting him to epic levels!

  54. add klafroth please!

  55. Add me hao318 i got diamond

  56. For some reason i cant get it :S been trying for weeks now.. Will try next year again haha. Id: nadiavloo

  57. If someone wants to know you breed a charm dragon (level 7) with a serpent dragon (level 7).A friend of mine did it and it worked.Guess what he got – DIAMOND DRAGON.No joke.If someone knows how to breed snowman dragon please tell me.

  58. I get when i breed firestorm and island dragon
    Add me saveyoursoul

  59. I bred island and firestorm and got it
    Add me:metjd

  60. I bred fruitful and coral to get my serpent.

  61. kept breeding forest 10 and water 10…and got 16 island dragons, hate them, one takes 20h to breed >:(

  62. After soo many tries finally got it with Epic Forest and level 7 water

  63. please add me ill send gold every day if you send to me, i also accept map requests everyday, id = dratinia

  64. i got a magic dragon with a lvl 8 fire and a lvl 4 water

  65. I got it water and forest the forest teen water baby

  66. Oh and add me I’m SoManyKittys I WON’T try and bribe you

  67. Got it on my first try by breeding my dawntree dragon and my water dragon. 🙂

  68. i breed diamond with island and i got serpent dragon

  69. I got serpent from island + firestorm from the first try.next goal is diamond

  70. I got serpent from island + firestorm from the first try.next goal is diamond

  71. I got this trying for familiar with aurora and poison. Immediately after I put magic and aurora got another 16 hour breed time, dont tell me I’m getting 2 in a row lol

  72. i used aurora and lotus
    gave atlantis,serpent,…
    try to breed diamond but took me too long
    any combination guys?
    plz id:crystaldragonx
    send u gold if i can

  73. I bred island and fire dragon and got 16 hour breeding time. Nothing else seems like it would have these parents for this breeding time

  74. Coral and fire sorry

  75. I got 2 Atlsntis dragons back to back and 2 serpent dragons back to back. I used my eagle and mist dragon to breed my serpent dragons.. Don’t know how that happened. Then used my serpent and eagle dragon to get my Atlantis dragons.. Again I do not know how that happened lol hope this helps.

  76. I already got a Serpent egg by breeding Magic and Island on my first try. Of any you want to see 9t, my storm8 ID is Draknessdragon05

  77. I bred water + dawntree. Works the first try!! (after 5 times failing using water +forest).

  78. Breeding light and gemstone got 16 hours

  79. Im only just level 10 & I got one the first time I bred water and forest. Im guessing thats rare?

  80. I’m Breeding a Serpent(Right) And a Charm(Left) With a Time Of 21 Hours. Any Ideas To What It Might Be?

  81. Don’t u know that left or right or levels of dragons does not matter. It’s upto ur luck.. And if u want to know what dragons ur breeding just download “Dragon story breeding guide” from ur google play store if u have Android or it is also available for iphone users. And got the serpent dragon in first try. Add me my storm8 id – rohitav916.

  82. Hello there i breed forest and water get serpant:) add my id ponggong

  83. Woo, got my Serpent dragon after trying for a few days! He’s level 9 right now. :3 My ID is AntiqueLace if you want to see him!

  84. It’s been over a week. I’ve bred my water + forest nearly 20 times. I’ve managed to get a waverider, holographic, and Atlantic out of them, but not a single serpent! Islands just keep pooping up! I thought maybe if I bred my waverider + holographic that that would work (well I’m just on the second try with them). But should I go back to my water + island since they had betterish outcomes, or should I maybe mix the four dragons up? Like maybe forest + waverider? My storm8 ID is TimeMoose if you want to help me out.

  85. I was trying to get Atlantis dragon. DARN. Its okay though.

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