Dec 262012

It looks like the Gift Dragon in DragonVale is now fully enabled for both breeding and purchasing in the market. The Gift Dragon was released a couple days ago making gamers think it was a one dragon per park dragon available for FREE for players to buy from the market but those restrictions have been lifted. That means you can now own more than one gift dragon by purchasing or breeding but it won’t be free or at zero dollars.

DragonVale Gift Dragon evolution

How to breed Gift Dragon

Like most players, gamers are probably going to try their luck at breeding one of these Santa-like dragon in DragonVale. The Gift Dragon is a three element dragon which means one of your dragons will have to be a hybrid with no exceptions.

The Gift Dragon is a fire, plant, and cold element dragon so that means you need at least to have these elements within your breeding process to be able to obtain the gift dragon. Players are advised to use the Poison Dragon and the Cold Dragon to get the Gift Dragon. You can alternatively use the Cold Dragon with the Flower Dragon for another simple combination. The breeding time is 12 hours and 25 minutes. Upgraded breeding time is about 10 hours please check on the Gift Dragon page.

Keep in mind that the breeding order of the dragons does not matter, which means which side you select your dragons does not matter. The level of your dragons also does not matter. Good luck breeding and happy New Year!

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  • gift breeding dragonvale

  2 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed Gift Dragon”

  1. I was trying to get a rainbow dragon, so I bred flower and storm, both level ten. I got a gift dragon, which I think it will be kind of cool having two in my park.

  2. I was trying for Apocalypse with copper and paper and got the gift dragon.

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