DragonVale: Chrome Dragon


“The chrome dragon is a vain dragon and has often been caught looking at its own reflection off of its shiny scales. Even though this dragon is extremely docile, it’s probably best to approach it with caution. The Sun’s bright reflection has been known to start the occasional fire.”

The Chrome Dragon in DragonVale is made out of shiny scales as bright as the sun. You will find the chrome dragon in your DragonVale Park extremely shiny and at most times gives you heat waves that can cause fire to start in some places. The chrome dragon is made out of the air dragon and the metal dragon which gives it’s great abilities to fly in the air and move swiftly. If you want a chrome dragon in your DragonVale park then be sure to look for the metal dragon first because without one you will not be able to breed this shiny chrome dragon unless you purchase it with some gems at about 750 gems.

The level requirement for this chrome dragon is level 17 so be sure to level up your DragonVale park so that you can actually breed it. You will also get 2,000,000 experience for hatching the egg and be able to place it into one of the two metal or air habitats. If you are feeling you have too much dragons and want to sell this chrome dragon then it will get you about 1,500,000 in cash which is not bad considering how it is only a five hour breeding and hatching time.

Chrome Dragon breeding guide

To breed and get the chrome dragon you must use the metal dragon and the air dragon. Alternatively, you can use any metal and air element dragon and still have a chance at breeding the chrome dragon. The breeding time for the chrome dragon is five hours.

Official Release Image on March 12, 2012

DragonVale Chrome Dragon

Chrome Dragon breeding information

Price: 750 gems
Level requirement: 17
Experience: 2,000,000
Habitat types: metal, air
Sell price: 1,500,000
Elements: Metal & Air
Incubation Time: 5 hours

 Posted by at 3:00 pm

  5 Responses to “DragonVale: Chrome Dragon”

  1. Love the chrome dragon looks so good

  2. add me Adika.R.
    and my friend gd.nayaka

  3. the chrome dragon is easy to get

  4. How am I getting a Meteor dragon? I keep breeding the Metal and Air dragons together, but all I get is a Meteor dragon! Please help.

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