DragonVale: Gems


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DragonVale gems are considered the most valuable asset in the game. You can buy new dragons, speed up your breeding time, or exchange them for coins. Many players wonder what is the best way to obtain these gems and the simple answer is to get as many friends sending you gems as possible. It is important to get your username on the person’s mind when they are scrolling through the friend’s list.

A single player can send a maximum of 3 gems per day [24 hours], if you have the new Dragonsai Tree you can send up to 6 gems per day.

This page is about...

  • dragonvale gems
  • dragonvale gem guide
  • gameteep dragonvale gems
  • infinite dragonvale gems
  • send infinite gems dragonvale

  5 Responses to “DragonVale: Gems”

  1. hhow do you get free gems

  2. ok

  3. friend me on gamecenter have hacked device send me 1 gem for only 3 days in a row and i will give you anything you want i am vardarlachlan23 no caps

  4. friend cullenmac25

  5. add me name = r0ry92.

    if u send me a gem ill send u one back daily!

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