Oct 112012

The Gangnam Fish is definitely one of the most staggering fish we’ve seen. Not because it’s a fish with glasses, but because it didn’t appear in our shop until 2 days till expiring. Well, for some of us, it’s not appearing in the shop at all. We’re not sure why but there’s definitely some bugs that needs to be ironed out. Some players have reported game crashing and other unexpected events, and we’re starting to see that as well.

Fish with Attitude Gangnam Fish Baby

Regardless, there is two days left to breed this Gangnam Fish for your Fish with Attitude game and it’s not difficult at all! We’ll give you the combination so you can start right away.

How to breed Gangnam Fish (Learn More)

To breed the Gangnam Fish for your Fish with Attitude game, you need a Party Fish and a Cool Fish. The breeding time should be 8 hours and once you’ve hatched your fish you can place the fish into the tank.

The Gangnam Fish wears a sunglass and look similar to the Cool Fish.

Breeding order of the fish in the breeding tank does not matter. The level and the Ecstatic of the fish also does not matter for this specific fish. You just need to breed until you get one for your fish tank.

This page is about...

  • fish with attitude gangnam
  • how to breed gangnam fish
  • gangnam fish fish with attitude
  • gameteep fish with attitude gangnam fish
  • gangnam fish
  • how do you get gangnam fish in fish with attitude
  • how to breed a gangnam fish
  • how to breed gangnam style fish
  • how to get a gangnam on fish

  17 Responses to “Fish with Attitude: How to breed Gangnam Fish”

  1. How can you breed party fish though, I know the combination, but tell me which fish left or right and if they should be ecstatic or not.

    • None of that matters, it’s mostly up to luck for breeding. The developers have the power to change the percentage you can get different fishes from time to time.

  2. This is frieken hard to get =(

  3. I've tried million ted all I get is cool and party

  4. I kept trying cool and party, and I Neva got a gangnam, I tried this for 3 days and tried getting it 4 times a day, ( because some of the breeding were like 6 hours) and it never turned out to be a gangnam, so I tried party and cool, it that order, and I think I got him right away, I’m only saying I ‘think’ , is because they are still breeding it and it’s taking 8 hours and that’s how long the breeding time is, I hope it is as there is only one day left …

  5. Why does it take so long I keep on getting cool fish but I want GAMNAM fish now! Does anyone know how long it takes please comment back I want GAMNAM fish sooo baaaaaad!

  6. I want GAMNAM fish a lot but I keep on getting cool fish does anyone know how many times to breed cool fish and party fish? Please comment back I want GAMNAM fish soooooo badly oh and by the way GAMNAM STLYE!!!!!!!!LOL

  7. why is my breeding time 10 hrs??????
    i want a gangnam fish badly!!! they look so cool!

  8. I keep trying but it wont let me get him i sprnt over 300 pearls trying to get him i keep getting Hobo, president, cool, party and pretty but I cant get Gangnam. Any suggistions?

  9. doesn't work at all

  10. I have gotten every fish I have set out for since I started playing this game until now. I have 3 breeding clams or whatever they are going since the first day and nothing. I think they didn’t make enough on that last event so want people to buy pearls to get this one. Every time they take a good game and start caring more about the money this happens.mark my words next will be glitches and people will start losing there whole game. Very disappointed.

  11. I am so confused.

  12. Is the cool and the party cool + party

  13. At the end of the wire I finally got a 10 hr breed time with cool and party we will see if this is the gangnam.

  14. I didn't get it.

  15. Yea i goy it. To be honest it was’nt at all hard to get i tried one day it might have took 7 times but it honestly was not hard :) and for the future everyone i recommand getting you fish estatic it works better

  16. Tried sooooooooo many times, even bred extra party & cool fish, have 3 breeding tanks, but never managed to get the Gangnam fish. I hope they extend it or bring it back soon. I got the Toy and Olympic fish rather quickly when they came out, but this one was frustrating.

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