Sep 242012

We know that you can purchase the Hippie Fish in your Fish with Attitude game using coins but you can still breed for one too! The Hippie Fish was released on September 24 2012 and is surely one beautiful pink fish to have in your Fish with Attitude tanks. If you love the colors pink, red, yellow, and brown then this is definitely one fish you wouldn’t want to miss.

Fish with Attitude Hippie Fish Baby

The fish itself looks quite pretty during its baby stage with multiple flowers around its body and when it becomes an adult those flowers and traits just grows with your fish.

If you’re looking to breed for this fish then know that it is a limited edition fish which means you need to be within a certain time frame to be able to breed for this fish. If the fish has already expired, you must wait until it shows up again in the market for a chance to get the fish.

For all limited edition fish in the game, you must ensure you are breeding during the event for a chance to even get the fish. This is because if it is not during the event, the breeding combination may not be enabled.

How to breed Hippie Fish

If you are wondering how to breed this Hippie Fish then know that the developers have once again hinted to us about the breeding combinations for this fish and we’ve tested it! It works flawlessly and should be an easy breed before the end of the event.

To breed the Hippie Fish you must use a Party Fish and a Creative Fish for a chance to get the Hippie Fish. You can also purchase the Hippe Fish using 75,000 Coins which is not bad at all! The breeding time is 8 hours and the hatching time is only 4 hours, not bad at all! Good Luck with breeding the Hippie Fish and share your comment on this page.

Fish with Attitude Hippie Fish Adult

This page is about...

  • fish with attitude how to breed a hippie
  • how to breed a hippie fish
  • Fish with attitude how to breed hippi fish
  • how do you breed hippie fish in fish in fish with attitude
  • how to get hippie fish on fish with attitude
  • how to get hippie fish
  • how to get the hippie fish
  • how to breed hippie fish
  • fish with attitude rare hippie fish
  • how to get the hippie fish on fish with attitude

  10 Responses to “Fish with Attitude: How to breed Hippie Fish”

  1. IT DOESENT WORK!!!!!!!

  2. Lmao! The first time I tried I actually go a rock star fish xD my 2nd try I definitely got the hippie fish. It has a peace sign on it nd the egg should be brown. Use creative and the party. Use the creative on he left then use party on the right. That's how it worked for me. 8 hours to breed and I think 3 hours to hatch :)

  3. It’s rare. You don’t get it every time. You gotta keep trying

  4. I tried it 19 times and I got nothing but low level fish

  5. I know right

  6. I got it on my first try

  7. I tried to but it instead of breeding but every time I click buy the game closes and I have to click on the app and load again. It happened every time. Anyone know why?

    • That happens to me too! First when I launch the game and go into the store it crashes then when I go into Toys it crashes and now when I buy the fish it crashes.

  8. Ummm I breeded according to the combo and got six hours….

  9. Hey mine names Leon too Leon try to friend me on facebook my names LopLop on the Facebook

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