Fish with Attitude: Hippie Fish


The Hippie Fish was released to Fish with Attitude players on September 24th 2012 as an limited edition fish. One of the most unique things about the Hippie Fish is that to get this fish you can simply buy her for 75,000 gold coins (As we write this 3:21AM EST). The description for the Hippie Fish is also short and does not reveal when the ending date will be for this exclusive fish.

“Come party with this hippie fishie and soak up her creative vibes!” - Fish with Attitude: Hippie Fish Description

 fish with attitude limited edition trait

Fish with Attitude Hippie Fish

Event: Limited Edition
End Time: Sept 30th 2012
Release Date: Sept 24 2012
Breeding Time: 8 Hours
Egg Hatch Time: 4 Hours
Buying Price: 75,000Fish with Attitude - Cash
Selling Price: 775Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Special

Decoration: Lava Lamp

Fish with Attitude: Hippie Fish Key Feature

  • Limited Edition Fish
  • Hippie style!
  • colors pink, red, yellow, and brown

Fish with Attitude: Hippie Fish Breeding guide

There is currently no confirmed breeding combination for breeding the Hippie Fish. However, it is believed that to breed the Hippie Fish you need to use a Party Fish and a Creative Fish in your breeding process.

This combination is found hidden in the developer description for the Hippie Fish, so if you don’t want to purchase the fish for gold you can try to breed for one!

Gameteep members have confirmed that you can breed the Hippie Fish using a Party Fish and a Creative Fish in your breeding tank. You can safely try to breed for one.

We will confirm the combination for breeding the Hippie Fish soon.

Please keep in mind the breeding of left or right will not affect your breeding process and it’s up to chance and your game to give you the Hippie Fish.

*If your game is crashing when entering the game, you’re not alone. The new update has made our new iPad experience this issue. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Fish with Attitude: Hippie Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Hippie Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will raise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1 5/Minute 3450Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 2 6/Minute 4465Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 3 7/Minute 5515Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 4 8/Minute

Fish with Attitude: Hippie Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Hippie Fish Egg  Fish with Attitude Hippie Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Hippie Fish Adult


Breeding Video

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  7 Responses to “Fish with Attitude: Hippie Fish”

  1. definitly the party and creative. got mine after the third try and now I'm far out man!

  2. I got a rare rock star fish instead?!

  3. So far, nothing. i did however get a rockstar fish.

  4. I just bought it

  5. Does anybody know what a hippie fish can breed into? Or does it just breed into a random fish? (Tried once, think I got a party fish)

  6. I bred the party and creative about 16 times now and it gives me either the pretty fish or the damn creative fish. Wtf?!! Help!!

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