Fish with Attitude: Rare Penguin Fish


The Rare Penguin Fish or Rare Penguin is the rare version of the Penguin  fish in Fish with Attitude revealed in the Penguin Event from November 1 2012 for only 7 days. Players were required to breed a certain fish to be able to obtain this Rare Penguin fish if they are one of the top 20 breeders.

“Not available” - Fish with Attitude: Rare Penguin Fish “Rare Penguin Event” Description

Fish with Attitude - Rare Penguin Fish

Release Date: Nov 1 2012
Update Version: 2.2.21
Event Duration: 7 Days

Breeding Time: 
Egg Hatch Time:
Buying Price: 

Fish with Attitude: Rare Penguin Fish Breeding guide

There is no confirmed breeding for this Fish.

It is part of Fish with Attitude’s rewards and special events dubbed the “Rare Penguin Event”. Your task is to breed as many “Cool” as you can and compete for the grand prize. It is said there is only a few of these fishes out there.

Players have confirmed they have over 1000 successful breeds some even range from 2000 + to win as one of the top 20 places in the game.

Fish with Attitude: Rare Penguin Event Information

Fish with Attitude Rare Penguin Fish Screen


Fish with Attitude: Rare Penguin Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Rare Penguin Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will raise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

Fish with Attitude: Rare Penguin Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude - Rare Penguin Fish

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  • gameteep fish with attitude breeding

  One Response to “Fish with Attitude: Rare Penguin Fish”

  1. Pecan envy one tell me how to breed it

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