Oct 142013

Arkham Origins Batman is now officially available in the game Injustice: Gods Among Us for mobile devices. Some players were able to purchase this character through and unexpected glitch during the release of the Killing Joke, The Joker but was later removed. Now it is official that you can get the card/character into your game through purchasing it directly from the market.

Injustice Gods Among Us Arkham Origins Batman Official Screen

As you can see, Batman is Badder than ever! And you can play as Arkham Origins Batman Before anyone else! This is what the developer has announced and you can get the character directly in the store of the game through purchases. You can see the character directly in the game and he can be obtained for 375,000 credits.

Seen on the pop-up screen is also a note that says the Gold card is only available for a limited time, which means that there is a possibility that the card can be removed after a certain amount of time. It is unknown at this time when Arkham Origins Batman will be removed from the store but it is recommended that players purchase this character as soon as possible.

In Game Trailer

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  9 Responses to “Injustice: Gods Among Us – Arkham Origins Batman Officially Released!”

  1. ~Anything with an asterisk (*) will be updated in the replies to this original post as it comes available.

    Batman (Arkham Originals)

    Level: 20*
    Rank: Elite V
    Damage: 20,520* (+Support Enhancement)
    Health: 29,808* (+Support Enhancement)

    Min: 3,385*
    Max: 6,094*

    Min: 20,314*
    Max: 40,629*

    Dam: 50,786*

  2. But if you buy it, does it remain in the store? Cause I’d want it max elite. How many ppl have 2, 250, 000 credits??!?! Takes time.

  3. After batman is released in the video game, I hope it is a challenge in the app.

  4. If we have purchased the card already, does that mean the card will still disappear from the shop after some unknown time not allowing us to promote it?

  5. Stats of an elite V arkham origins batman is atk 23320 and hp 44528. FYI redson superman has same atk but less hp by 2000. Good unit, just too expensive.

    • Use him as ur first fighter. Charge for supermove. At max, it does 57000 so it can wipe the floor with almost anyone in ur way immediately. Puts the playing field at 3 vs 2 instantly. If u have batgirl even better. Then have support like batman (+25% dmg) or aquaman for his power drain. Just posted this as advice, pretty obv tactic though so I suppose it was pointless lol :P

      • wouldn’t it be better to have batman AO, killing joke joker, and batgirl. Use special attack, fight with killing joke till he dies and then u can use special attack with batgirl and batman AO again

  6. i have dat guy, i have 999,999,999 credits

  7. I just checked my store and it’s gone! I already purchased it before, but how am I going to promote it now?

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