Jurassic Park Builder: Dino List
The list of Dinosaurs, or Dinos are one of the coolest things in Jurassic Park ever and here we have the complete list of Dinosaurs to help you build the best Jurassic Park ever on your mobile device. Keep in mind that each dinosaur has their own unique evolution that can be obtained 3 times. These are different “forms” and not evolution from baby to adult. Each dinosaur will evolve from baby to adult half way through their levels.
Glacier Park
- Jurassic Park Builder: Gigantopithecus *Limited* – [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Amphicyon *Limited* – [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Synthetoceras *Limited* – [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Indricotherium *Limited* – [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Titanoboa *Limited* – [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Dodo *Limited* – [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Procoptodon *Limited* – [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Andrewsarchus *Limited* – [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Doedicurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Megalania
- Jurassic Park Builder: Kelenken
- Jurassic Park Builder: Arsinoitherium
- Jurassic Park Builder: Peltephilus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Mastodon
- Jurassic Park Builder: Phorusrhacos *Limited* – [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Amebelodon *Limited* - [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Thylacosmilus - [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Sarkastodon - [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Chalicotherium - [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Gastornis - [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Eremotherium - [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Elasmotherium *Limited* - [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Smilodon *Limited* - [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Entelodon - [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Woolly Mammoth - [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Megaloceros - [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Megistotherium - [Glacier]
- Jurassic Park Builder: Uintatherium - [Glacier]
Underwater/Aquatic Park
- Jurassic Park Builder: Mauisaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Ophtalmosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Leviathan
- Jurassic Park Builder: Pliosaurus *Limited*
- Jurassic Park Builder: Protosphyraena *Limited*
- Jurassic Park Builder: Archelon *Limited*
- Jurassic Park Builder: Geosaurus *Limited*
- Jurassic Park Builder: Sea Scorpion *Limited*
- Jurassic Park Builder: Colossal Squid *Limited*
- Jurassic Park Builder: Styxosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Bananogmius
- Jurassic Park Builder: Henodus *Limited*
- Jurassic Park Builder: Elasmosaurus *Limited*
- Jurassic Park Builder: Shonisaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Hainosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Leptocleidus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Psephoderma
- Jurassic Park Builder: Basilosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Helicoprion *Limited*
- Jurassic Park Builder: Xiphactinus *Limited*
- Jurassic Park Builder: Dakosaurus *Limited*
- Jurassic Park Builder: Mosasaurus *Limited*
- Jurassic Park Builder: Megalodon *Limited*
- Jurassic Park Builder: Dunkleosteus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Ammonite
- Jurassic Park Builder: Kronosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Platecarpus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Tylosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Leedsichthys
Regular Land

- Jurassic Park Builder: Acrocanthosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Albertosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Allosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Ankylosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Baryonyx
- Jurassic Park Builder: Brachiosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Brontosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Camarasaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Carcharodontosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Ceratosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Compsognathus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Corythosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Dilophosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Dryosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Edmontosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Gallimimus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Iguanodon
- Jurassic Park Builder: Pachyrhinosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Pachycephalosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Parasaurolophus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Pteranodon
- Jurassic Park Builder: Pterodactylus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Ouranosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Spinosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Stegosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Torosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Triceratops
- Jurassic Park Builder: Troodon
- Jurassic Park Builder: Tyrannosaurus
- Jurassic Park Builder: Velociraptor
Limited Edition
Open the console of game and type max cheat
You gain max resources , coins and cash
Type free dinosaur in console
You get all limited dinosaur free
Wow thank you buddy it worked !!!
What did you do to get it?
What does he mean by console?
How do you get to console mate
Is this for real
Wait a minute how did you do it did you have to go to help and get them
What do you mean open the console, could you explain how to do do this.
how do you go about opening your console as i play on an ipad
Where’s the console located?
Is there a way to do this on the Facebook version?
how do you open the console?
quiero un recomendar algunos dinosaurios
edmotonia , diplodocus, megalosaurios ,gigantosaurio y sushumimos
para ser un poco mas divertido
Is this for the iPad version? I really want the limited edition animals.
Also, I have a BIG load of ideas for the game. What could I do to let Ludia know?
i don’t understand about opening the console, and i cant seem to do any of the hacks to gain endless bucks or coins, please any advise would help me out alot
Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeee tell us what you mean by “console”. I reeeeeeaaaaaalyyyy want the limited edition animals as I barely have any. Looking at videos from gameteep and wbangcaHD, I really cook my brain about the thought that I COULD have them if you would explain what you mean by console. Is it in settings? Is it in the game? Is it somewhere else? Just tell us please! ;-(
How do you get to or open console?
What the hell is the console?
Can you explain that please ?
I GOT THE MACRACHENIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can’t find any amber in glacial??? tried using helos digging ground nothing!!!!? also supposed to have 5% bonus building for quest? nada also 55 watch tower? lastly had to wait over 80 hours for dino to hatch !!!!!!
I got doedon finally
You mean daeodon
You missed macrachania
Tricomerium and deodon
I just only got it few days back and I got tones of bugs you need to fix them one of the bugs is my dinosaurs glitch out and pause for a second and my game keeps on lagging me out.
I HAVE THE AMEBELODON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need more coins! HOW?
upgrade dinos and put plants and stuff with bonuses on next to dinos and buildings
Les dinosaure ou je devrai dire la liste des dinosaure est pas mal jais eu le corytosaurus se midi en rentrent de l’école .
What console can you tell me more i dont have any limited creature
What console can you tell me more i dont have any limited creature and buck
Hey guys why every time I click on glacier park
It says park access failed
I can’t get in !!!HELP!!!
Is this an online game for android and tablet?
The game is available for Facebook, and the AppStore. I play on the iPad. I’m not sure about android though. I think it is.
If there’s such a hack/cheat why would you wanna use it. If you had everything the game would be over. Collecting the Dino is the point of the game.
because some of the creatures can only be bought with cash. insane amounts of cash. the t rex alone is 490 cash which is about 30+ dollars or so. if who’d want to play that much for a fake dinosaur? if they made everything obtainable via gold then it wouldve been fine.
My suggestions for Jurassic Park Builder Dinosaurs:
Land Park
Marine Park
In level 33 there is a mission that says “remove one carniforous mix plant” . I have tried removing plants around the carnivores…what does this mean? Nothing has worked yet
Carnivorous mix plant is the name of the plant. Click on ur plants and u will see the name. Find that plant then sell it.
The Dodo birds came out yesterday and Titanoboa tororrow!
Got the Titanoboa!
what can i doto get around this connection error 304-34
My game was not working ever since the update of the battle arena. I ve been working on that game for 5 freaking months!!!!!!!! I was crying all evening
I bet its the game server. Tell Ludia company to fix that problem pleeeeeeeeaaaasse!!!!!!!!! Thank you.
Hey guys on the game management
May be for the next update you can give a whole new
Update.You can start by giving it a 3D look not just in 2d plane
Where let the Dino’s (meat eaters) be in more bigger
Cages with a more irregular shape for the cage as well as
For the herbivores where the walk around in wider plane fields
With special boundaries for each of them .you can even set up breeding programs
For the herbivores only .even in aquatic park u should be more
Realistic where u can see the same concept but put the creatures in
Underwater domes so the can just swim away
Make it more realistic and more based on the JURASSIC PARK movie
It’s just a suggestions
I cannot find this friggin game anywhere. I dont like phone games, no ipad for me. just PC or console. and google sends me to all these terrible sites. Any help guys?
Is this game age appropriate for a seven yr old that eats and sleeps dinosaurs? This mom wants to make sure if he should be on here.
Yes, as a mother to a six year old who also eats and sleeps dinosaurs, we play it together and really enjoy it. Just collecting dinos and building stuff. Nothing bad that I can see.
here are some animals to add:
land: Oviraptor,
underwater: Cretoxyrhina,
glacial: Megalonyx,
Wooly rhino,
and can these animals be non-limited.
Hey guys on the game management
Can u create more easier and convenient
Ways to earn bucks
It’s really hard to earn bucks and plz
Let more than 2 bucks to be earn like a lot more!!!!
I’ve reached level 75 so when is the next update
Cool! we make realistic dinosaurs back to our life http://www.kawahdino.com
list not complete trinacromerum is missing in acquatic park
To get ALOT of money on iPad/iPhone, do this:
You need 2 devices, and logg on on one of them, then the other one, so that det other device resets, then log back on the først, and try sell something. Then logg on the second again and back on the first again! And the things you sold is back, but your stats stay as after you sold them. For real!
Does anyone know how to get round the task in Glacier to ‘collect from a 5% building’? There are no 5% buildings (on Level 26 currently), and the decorations that are 5% can’t be collected from!!! Aaargh
Hello, ive got a question i have some mission To go another star with carnivores but il got already al the stars of carnivores my question if i sell some dino do il can buy him again with no stars ?
yes u can
I wish more dinosaurs like
Were added to the game
I guess every one are right to add more dinosaurs
its a fun game
I wish the Ludia company added argentinosaurus , giganotosaurus , styracosaurus , quetzalcoatlus , therizinosaurus , kentrosaurus , oviraptor , hadrosaurus , ichthyosaurus , deinosuchus in the game
DEAR ludia company ,
I honestly ask you to add more dinosaurs like
DEAR ludia company,
I also ask you to have dinosaurs like
Dire wolves
What’s the console