My Singing Monsters: Boodoo Monster


The Boodoo Monster in My Singing Monsters is a special monster that can be bred, and is one of the new “Ethereals” that was released on September 19, 2013.

Developers Notes

NEW! The Ethereal monsters Jeeode and Boodoo are now available to buy or breed on Water Island and Ethereal Island respectively!

“Species: Boodoo

Beds: 10

Offspring of shadow and crystal, Boodoos are contradictory creatures. Its uncanny appearance belies a gentle soul who enjoys home-cooking, collecting vintage dolls and artisanal craft-making. A Boodoo’s shakers and ornamental headdress represent only a small portion of its creative pursuits; monsters far and wide will travel to witness the unveiling of a Boodoo original.

– My Singing Monsters: Boodoo Monster Biography

My Singing Monsters Jeeode Elementsr My Singing Monsters Grumpyre element My Singing Monsters Boodoo Monster

Special Edition

Release Date:
Sept 19, 2013

Egg Design:

My Singing Monsters Boodoo Monster egg


Rhythm Type:



Breeding Time:  

42 Hours

Beds Required: 10

Buying Price:

1,250 diamonds

Selling Price:

User Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.0/5 (9 votes cast)

 My Singing Monsters: Boodoo Monster Key Features

  • Special-type Monster
  • Boodoo  monster
  • Found only on ETHEREAL ISLAND
  • Released during 1-year anniversary.

My Singing Monsters: Boodoo Monster breeding guide

You must obtain the Ethereals from the other islands like the Ghazt, Grumpyre, Reebro and then level them to level 15 then teleport them into the Ethereal Island. Doing this will turn your Ethereal into an egg then you will need to hatch them and then collect the new currency called Shards to buy the breeding structure then breed them using the combination below.


To breed the Boodoo, you need to use the Jeeode and the Grumpyre in the Ethereal Island breeding structure to get this monster.



Keep in mind that breeding the monsters left or right does not matter. And that if you are not getting the monsters then you must continue trying until your game gives you the correct breeding time. Breeding is ultimately up to chance and you may get multiple monsters depending on their rarity.

My Singing Monsters: Boodoo Monster Evolution Guide

As we know it, there’s no physical evolution in the monsters for My Singing Monsters. Your income rate will increase along with your max income capacity.

My Singing Monsters: Boodoo Monster Earnings [Per Minute]

Level Earnings Level Earnings Earnings
Level 1  3 Level 6 Level 11
Level 2 Level 7  Level 12
Level 3 Level 8  Level 13
Level 4 Level 9  Level 14
Level 5 Level 10  Level 15

Max income rate per level

Level Max Earning Level Max Earnings Max Earnings
Level 1 32 Level 6 Level 11
Level 2 Level 7  Level 12
Level 3 Level 8  Level 13
Level 4 Level 9  Level 14
Level 5 Level 10  Level 15

My Singing Monsters: Boodoo Monster Food Chart

Feeding food to your monsters in My Singing Monsters will allow your monsters to increase their max coins and increase the income rate they are earning.

Level Food Req. Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1  20 Level 6  640   Level 11  20,480
Level 2  40 Level 7  1,280  Level 12  40,960
Level 3  80 Level 8  2560  Level 13  81,920
Level 4  160 Level 9  5,120  Level 14  163,840
Level 5  320 Level 10  10,240  Level 15

Confirmation Video


  29 Responses to “My Singing Monsters: Boodoo Monster”

  1. So I guess we have to hatch a jeeode, then feed it to level 15 so it can be transported to ethereal island so it can then be bred to hatch a voodoo. Clever.

    • hi. it is clever how they set up the info and how u translated it mistergee? is that how ya spell it?

      • Want 5 free diamond? if you go to options and the click on referral and enter my code 3162789GH we will both get 5 free diamonds. LETS HELP EACHOTHER! Good luck!

    • Do u want 5 diamonds. All u need to do is press settings then press referral and put in this code and you’ll get 5 diamonds. 3489391cf

      • Do u want free diamonds if u do go to options then go to submit refferal then type in this code to get free diamonds, 3489391CF.

    • Want 5 free diamond? if you go to options and the click on referral and enter my code 3162789GH we will both get 5 free diamonds. LETS HELP EACHOTHER! Good luck!

  2. Where is everyone?

  3. Breed should be easy I hope

  4. Got one such a cool critter, 3001008mm

  5. My friend code is 5196154MG

  6. I added many friends from the forum and won lots of diamonds, add me, so you and me win.
    To get free diamonds go to options -> referral codes and type in: 1714507EJ

  7. Got him took 4 days but got him check my crap out 1870005DJ like mine and I’ll like yours lol

  8. Get your free real diamond my adding this code 3576197NB

  9. Come on just 4 more likes to 1000 likes and I will be in the top 25 be the first 4 to put me in check me out like mine and add me and I’ll add you 1870005DJ THANK YOU GUYS AND GIRLS HAVE A GOOD ONE!!!!!!!

  10. Hey all my code is 2314426di. Let’s be friends:)

  11. Do u want free diamonds if u do go to options then go to submit refferal then type in this code to get free diamonds, 3489391CF.

  12. Love this game already, working my up add me 6421059HL

  13. hey guys ill put my code up tomorrow thanks for the diamonds

  14. I just wanted to say thank you to every one that went to the trouble of putting my code in I have over a 1000 likes iam in the top 500 on my plant Island thank you guy onces again much love ,,, O AND DONT FORGET TO LIGHT ME UP 1870005DJ THANK YOU HAVE A GOOD ONE SCOT.

  15. So angry I hatched a jeeode and then leveled him up to level 15 then transported him and then after that waited for him to hatch again and by accident I sold him instead of hatching him for freking 50 shards and now it’s been like a month and I can’t manage to hatch another jeeode burning

  16. 6455283EB Add me 🙂

  17. I have added at least 50 codes, and I have never gotten any diamonds? Am I doing something wrong?

  18. Do you have to transfer the etheral monsters? To get started?

  19. Yolo everyone, just yolo

  20. Don’t worry I’m not THAT sort of troll, you know those annoying internet ones. I am a REAL troll with green skin and giant penis.

  21. Everybody!! Start breeding quarister and any 3 element monster. This is no joke. This is real!!!! the earth island ethereal!!! IT’S HERE!!!!!! . .

  22. Use my friend code to get diamonds! Mine is: 10835788NG

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