My Singing Monsters: Breeding Guides
My Singing Monsters has a huge list of monsters in its game and we’re here to help you breed them all! However, some monsters are only available on certain islands so if you don’t see the monster on your island try purchasing the Cold Island or the Air Island.
Other Guides
- Ultimate Breeding Chart
- Friend Add Me Thread for Gems
Rare Monsters
Shugabush Island
- My Singing Monsters: Shugabass Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Shugitar Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Shugajo Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Shugarock Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Shugabuzz Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Shugabeats Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Shugavox Monster
Ethereal Island
- My Singing Monsters: Fung Pray Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Jellbilly Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Bellowfish Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Boodoo Monster – [Ethereal Island
- My Singing Monsters: Whisp Monster – [Ethereal Island]
- My Singing Monsters: Nebulob Monster – [Ethereal Island]
- My Singing Monsters: Arackulele Monster – [Ethereal Island]
- My Singing Monsters: Humbug Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Kazilleon Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Sox Monster
Newest Monsters
- My Singing Monsters: Rare Schmoochle Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Rare Spunge Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Rare PomPom Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Rare Pummel Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Rare Thumpies Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Rare Furcorn Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Jeeode Monster ( Ethereals #4 / Water Island)
- My Singing Monsters: Grumpyre Monster ( Ethereals #3 / Cold Island)
- My Singing Monsters: Shugabush Monster [Legendary Edition Monster/Plant Island]
- My Singing Monsters: Hoola Monster [Limited Edition Monster/Summer – Air and Earth Island]
- My Singing Monsters: Reebro Monster ( Ethereals #2 / Air Island)
- My Singing Monsters: Ghazt Monster (First Ethereals #1 / Plant Island)
- My Singing Monsters: Wubbox Monster [Level 30]
- My Singing Monsters: Blabbit Monster [Limited Edition Monster/Easter]
- My Singing Monsters: Schmoochle Monster [Limited Edition Monster/Valentine’s]
- My Singing Monsters: Yool Monster [Limited Edition Monster/Christmas]
- My Singing Monsters: Quarrister Monster [Earth Island]
- My Singing Monsters: Punkleton Monster [Limited Edition Monster]
- My Singing Monsters: Noggin Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Mammott Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Potbelly Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Fwog Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Drumpler Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Maw Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Shrubb Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Furcorn Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Oaktopus Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Bowgart Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Pummel Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Clamble Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Entbrat Monster
- My Singing Monsters: T-Rox Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Tweedle Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Dandidoo Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Quibble Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Pango Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Spunge Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Thumpies Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Congle Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Deedge Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Cybop Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Pompom Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Scups Monster
- My Singing Monsters: Riff Monster
me adicionem por favor 4683943EN
Hi All,
Want 5 free diamond? if you go to options and the click on referral and enter my code 3162789GH we will both get 5 free diamonds. LETS HELP EACHOTHER! Good luck!
Thanks Lauren, that worked a treat.
Please refer me so we all get more diamonds. Or add me as a friend and light my wishing torches. I will do the same for you. 2495199JH.
Done 🙂
Thank you
Can someone please tell. Me if ,level 30 is as high as it go’s.
It is
How do you up grade the castle to have more monsters if it does not have the option? I have the crystal looking one on plant island but I don’t see the option to upgrade and I don’t have enough space to add another monster.
I’m adding you. Please add me 3834621jf
Wanda your code does not work, please check it and see if maybe a number is wrong. I will add you
Done please add me too!
Have to watch the lvl for the monsters
Ok I’ll add you as a friend for 5 diamonds if you add me please
Hi Every One,
Do u want free diamonds? if u do, go to options then go to submit referral then type in this code to get free diamonds, 3853276EA
I am tired of using my diamonds to light my own torches. I will light yours if you light mine. Pink Pompom 7563017AH and Playtime 3730053JN. Thanks
Done! Thanks and I will light yours also!
Ya thanks for the diamonds can u tell me some breeds
Add me please and I will add you 11019184IE
I added you. Please add me also.
9039233MH. I light torches daily and like islands.
Great! I added you two. Here’s mine. Feel free
What’s the max level is it 30? Or 50?
Help me, help you. 10957726FM in the referral code under options and we both get diamonds. If you’ve already used up your referral, just add me under invite friends. Be a good monster friend and light torches and Like islands. That’s what I do daily. Thanks.
I love you marcelo
Help me, help you. 10957726FM in the referral code under options and we both get diamonds. If you’ve already used up your referral, just add me under invite friends. Be a good monster friend and light torches and Like islands. That’s what I do daily. Thanks.
Hi Every One,
Do u want free diamonds? if u do, go to options then go to submit referral then type in this code to get free diamonds, 3853276EA
Can’t offer free diamonds but I light my friends torches daily.
And my wife is 7236990ig
Trying for Ghazt and it’s so frustrating!
It took me a month trying with embrat and trox then I got 2 if that helps
Thanks for lighting my torch! Most people say they will and then don’t.
I light yours everyday too!
I got it on the first try 😀
Added please light me up!
Hey I added you guys…..mines10632745JJ
Hello everyone,
If you need more friends, or if you need someone to light your torches, add me as a friend.
code is 1051699mn
Please light my torch! Added!
Thanks! I will check your torches daily 🙂
Everyone add me as a friend and submit as a referral code. 3250218CK is my code
my singing monsters wiki is lieing about breeding the entbrat!
no they aren’t you just have to do it again sometimes you don’t get the Entbrat because it is rare to breed and there are different combinations to get it
Hi Every One,
Do u want free diamonds? if u do, go to options then go to submit referral then type in this code to get free diamonds, 3853276EA
Thank you too, NIQ 🙂
Pls add 8232227KF
How do you breed? Keeps saying need 2 monsters I have 4!!
Hey there what you need to do is feed them food and make sure they are both lvl 4
are all your monsters level 4? you need 2 to breed but they have to be level 4 to breed
I don’t see Toe Jammer on the above list!
Theres a breeding guide app for my singing monsters. Called just that…
Hey guys I have a question I just started playing an I wanted to know how to breed an entbrat?
Entbrat…Potbelly and T-Rox
Help me, help you. 10957726FM in the referral code under options and we both get diamonds. If you’ve already used up your referral, just add me under invite friends. Be a good monster friend and light torches and Like islands. That’s what I do daily. Thanks.
This game is a great way to pass time! Plz feel free to add me My code 9454466LA
Light mine and let me know I will definitely light yours 10960443MJ
Sorry I
need help!
How do u breed 2 monsters and get the t-rox and shugabush
fwog and mammot
How do u get the breeding combination for the valentine monster
You can get it with a Tweedle and a Riff but it’s limited.
Please add me. 6834621jf. Thank you I will add you
You can add me as well 9678491IJ – I’m on daily and will light torches 🙂
Like your island 🙂
Add me please, my friend code is 9551010BA you can also go to options click on submit referral and type in my friend code to get 5 FREE DIAMONDS!
Witch monsters do you use to breed the new ones the humbug first if anyone nows please tell me Thank you
I have been trying for 3 months to breed that jeeode a d still haven’t got it, anyone got any tips to help me.?
I have a level 15 Entbrat and T-Rox, all my torches are lit up but I still cant get a Ghazt 🙁
I got one on Plant Island…it was just a fluke…
Hi everybody! 🙂
If you want free diamonds go to Options and press Submit Referral and type in this code so we each get 5 free diamonds: 5789093BB You can also use the same code to friend me!
I have a shugabush why wont it show up in my breeding chart?
They will only show up on shugabush island
Can someone verify the diamond hack that Hack Grove shared? I’m kinda hesitant to try it because I don’t have a sturdy anti-virus. I’ve been having problems receiving the diamonds from the ‘free currency’ offers and the support for missing diamonds is sooo slow!
Also, my friend code is 10977176AA – if you have torches, I’ll light them for you. I’m on daily for a couple of hours.
Add me and do the referral thing for free diamonds!! 10581575MJ 🙂
Where’s the blabbit?
it doesn’t come till easter and u need water island to get it.
no its gone
I’ve got a yellow and blue stripes egg.i bred quarrister and pom-Pom.I hope it’s what I need.good luck
If you add me I’ll add you here’s my number so we can get some free diamonds 10646802ig thanks
Love this page. Very informative. I light torches & like islands almost every day. Please add me. Thank You! 5247064BC
Hey tell me some breeds not how to get diamonds u can only type one code now tell me some stinken breeds for this stupid app
On what?
I need more friends, please add me 7070300HK
I got the boodoo and sox on my first try
Everyone enter my code for 5 free diamonds. Your acts of kindness are very appreciated.
Friend me I light torches 9406216me
Hi guys
Im tom and i hope you all enjoy the game thank you for playing here is my friend code : 7022016AE
THank you,
Hey guys i found out the new monster it is a bee that flys and looks really cool
I have been trying for 5 months and I haven’t had a ghazt yet:-(
What is the combination for the blabbit 2014?
Hey please add me as a friend my code is 10906634AC. Comment on my post and I’ll add you back. 🙂
Tired of using diamonds to light torches. I will try to light everyday…8993988IM (annieg)
Hi everybody!
Thanks to everyone that have been lighting my torches. I will try to light yours too but I have a lot of friends and don’t really have time to.
i love my singing monsters.
I love my wat
how do you get the shugabush
how do you breed the shugabush
Would have helped if I added my code
Hi everyone, I would be really grateful if someone would add me as a friend, my code is 11047173FJ, I became disabled 3 years ago and stumbled upon this game and go on there at least 4 times a day, I’m not doing very well with the rare monsters probably because none of my torches get lit but love the game regardless
Thanks Tania xx
My friend code is 5789093BB if anyone wants to friend me. I am lvl 30
I think I’ve got some pretty cool islands…check them out and give me thumbs up if you agree…my friend code is 4679169FN. THANKS!!!
Hi All! Let’s get free diamonds and light torches! My friend code is 6617542HE
Hey do you want gems then 1 go to options 2 press submit referral 3 and enter this code 14378934NM 4 we both will get 5 gems!! I will also like and light your wishing torches good luck
Hey guys, I got the my singing monsters tool bar hack and hacked my friend code/ referral code (105 diamonds) that’s all I could hack up too tho :,(. But go ahead and use it if you Havnt used yours already.
Hey guys add me let’s be friends ,i’ll light and like your islands
Hey guys add me let’s be friends ,i’ll light and like your islands
I’ve been trying to breed a Dragong since the day it came out…twice a day, 4 lit torches…no luck. What gives?
Help! I need people to come light my torches! My code is 14432190LM.
Guys I actually found a code that gives u 50 diamonds and an additional hoola code is:10645321GL
Hello everyone, feel free to add me 15290845JF. …i like insels and Light tourches
No Toe Jammer(still) and no Dragong…
Just buy the toe jammer
If you want 5 free diamonds go to friends invite friends and you can put in my referral code……..
Thankyou x
Why does no one share email addresses? You get diamonds that way too. Just set up an email especially for msm.
Hello all. Help me out and I will do the same if you light my torches I will light yours add me my invitation ID is 11837206NM
I’ve been playing for a few weeks now and am totally addicted! Please add me too!
Thank you!
Please add me my code is 5163350LM
Help me, help you. 10957726FM in the referral code under options and we both get diamonds. If you’ve already used up your referral, just add me under invite friends. Be a good monster friend and light torches and Like islands. That’s what I do daily. Thanks.
hey mates, one of yall know how to breed the hoola monster? I heard it was a summer monster, but also i now could get it on the air island. Help! 🙁
My Singing Monsters Hack Download free and works 😀
20008050KK Always Playing and Lighting Torches. It’s fun.
17783427GJ my husband Wiz plays daily
My shugabass doesn’t make any sound what so ever. Does anyone else have this problem? Or is it just a glitch in my game? And yes his volume is all the way up. No he is not muted.
They make a very low bass tone. Hard to hear.
23508401AH: Hi! I just want a few friends… and I´ll
help you as good as I can^-^
8579164JK please add
please add me for free diamonds 14957656EA
add me up 24555978IK and my wife 24539589LJ
We play daily
Add me please, I light torches daily! 24525172KA
Thanks for the friend requests. I’ve added you all.
24207010ji <- add me puhhleaase!
add me pls 26133818mc
Add me too pls… 11308056LC
Friend code 16650506CG
i need torches lit. i light torches and like islands daily. my friend code is 28324525JN
logging in all day every day to light friends torches and breed allsorts of weird and wonderful monsters. Check my fabulous islands at 25017047ND. See you soon I will always light your torches in return if you light ours…
How do I breed the rare mammott?
Two of the three element monsters that each have snow as one of their three elements.
I don’t know if there has to be a rare special or not for it to be available.
Today (7/21/15) they are offering the rare toe jammer. He’s cool and has phosphorescence, changing colors!
Hello! Please add me. My friend code is 2951674CG. Thank you! I light torches and play daily. I am trying to get the rare monsters. Thank you!
I play daily and lite torches. My code is 26809592NG
I never play games but I love the singing monsters!!!! I will add the codes that are posted on this page, I hope you are all still here. Please add me and my roommate thank you so much!!! 28261006MC and 32366243LH. ENJOY 🙂
Hi, thank you for your friending, I tried to light 2 torches but it only let me light 1. I’ll try lighting the other one tomorrow.
Get diamonds with referral code
If you are new to My Singing Monsters you can enter a referral code to get 5 free diamonds. (The option to enter a referral code showed up for me at level 4)
To get free diamonds:
referral code
If you are not eligible for the referral code, you can still add me as a friend using the code above. Enjoy the game!
can you please add me my code is : 35434288AE