My Singing Monsters: Humble Hotel
The Humble Hotel in My Singing Monsters was released with the 1-year anniversary update on September 3rd 2013. This Humble Hotel is a structure that can be found in the structure section of the game.
Hard to believe, but every one in a while, even singing monsters need a break from all that singing. Luckily, this humble little hotel serves up the right kind of atmosphere for monsters to rest and relax. Simply tap the ‘check in’ button when moving a monster. The only drawbacks are that your monsters won’t earn any coins while they’re in here, and won’t affect the happiness of any other monsters on your island, unless you have a unity tree.
- My Singing Monsters: Humble Hotel
What it does?
The Humble Hotel allows you to place your monsters into the structure giving you more space without the purchase of more beds from the castle. It starts off with 10 beds free then once those are used up you can upgrade the Humble Hotel to get even more space for your monsters if you wish.
You can only buy one of these structures per island for your game and you cannot have multiple copies on a single island.
This page is about...
- my singing monsters humble hotel
- how many beds in upgraded hotel in singing monsters
- how to remove monster from humble hotel in singing monsters game
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I want to know how to use it.
You click on the monster you want to place in the hotel, then select move. On that menu, there is an option with a check-in desk bell titled “check-in.” Just click this button. Select the hotel to manage who is in there. The only bad is that you have to move a monster out to get a new one in…you can’t swap out simultaneously, so keep in mind if you have a full hotel and full island, you will have to sell someone to make a move.
That is, you have to move on out to get one in once the hotel is full (it has up to ten beds to start).
I have a Unity Tree & Humble Hotel … Do u know how to collect from the monsters inside hotel since they should be earning since I have tree?
Thank you.
Ok what’s with the misleading links that send you to an ad? Cheap, seriously cheap. I clicked on how to remove monsters from hotel and it sent me to diy laundry stain remover?!