My Singing Monsters: Noggin Monster
The Noggin Monster in My Singing Monsters is the very first monster you will obtain in your game. The monster requires 1 bed and is of the Noggin Species. It looks very much like a rock drum with realistic hands and feet that make up its body.
Release Date:
August 22 2012
Release Version:
Breeding Time:
10 Seconds
Beds Required:
Buying Price:
Selling Price:
Level Requirement: 1
My Singing Monsters: Noggin Monster Key Features
- A Drum with two hands coming out of it design
- Grey Colors
- Realistic Hands.
My Singing Monsters: Noggin Monster breeding guide
The Noggin Monster is the first monster you will purchase in your My Singing Monsters marketplace. You can then on purchase the monster in the marketplace for 300 coins
My Singing Monsters: Noggin Monster Evolution Guide
As we know it, there’s no physical evolution in the monsters for My Singing Monsters. Your income rate will increase along with your max income capacity.
My Singing Monsters: Noggin Monster Earnings [Per Minute]
We only document earnings up to level 10.
Level | Earnings |
Earnings | |
Level 1 | 4 | Level 6 | 19 | |
Level 2 | 6 | Level 7 | 22 | |
Level 3 | 10 | Level 8 | 26 | |
Level 4 | 13 | Level 9 | 29 | |
Level 5 | 16 | Level 10 | 32 |
Max income rate per level
Level | Earnings |
Earnings | |
Level 1 | 18 | Level 6 | 86 | |
Level 2 | 29 | Level 7 | 101 | |
Level 3 | 43 | Level 8 | 115 | |
Level 4 | 58 | Level 9 | 130 | |
Level 5 | 72 | Level 10 | 144 |
My Singing Monsters: Noggin Monster Food Chart
Feeding food to your monsters in My Singing Monsters will allow your monsters to increase their max coins and increase the income rate they are earning.
Level | Food Req. | Level | Food Req. |
Level 1 | 5 | Level 6 | 160 |
Level 2 | 10 | Level 7 | 320 |
Level 3 | 20 | Level 8 | 640 |
Level 4 | 40 | Level 9 | 1280 |
Level 5 | 80 | Level 10 | 2560 |
want free diamonds go to options (bottom right corner) go to refferel code and type in 2108074DM free diamonds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, and your welcome. 🙂
Do u want free diamonds if u do go to options then go to submit refferal then type in this code to get free diamonds, 3489391CF.
Hi All,
Want 5 free diamond? if you go to options and the click on referral and enter my code 3162789GH we will both get 5 free diamonds. LETS HELP EACHOTHER! Good luck!
add me please 2151418LM
On options new refferel code 25697944BM!! DOUBLES YOUR GREEN GEMS!!
10957726FM add me
How do I get noggin on the cold island?
I’d like to know this as well!
You can’t
You can only have monsters with air, water, plant, or cold on the cold island
Please add me :):):):)
Will someone put an email on here
look further down list for email…
1914200IE (capital i)
Can you guys plz add me…3365753ED
what is the mystery like for noggin
A Fire Bush
please invite me 3784646IG 😀
[email protected]
guys plzz add me ill you back and how do I make a noggin %100 happy???
How do I rename my noggin?
oops heres my number
Pliss add me : 4228217MH .. Thankss bfore 🙂
How do I get some monsters that require breeding from different monsters from different islands?? Please??
A Fire Bush
anyone else having trouble breading a noggin !!?!?!??!?!?!??! i just CANNOT get it is it like a 1% chance or something what`s going on !??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Kindly Add me Guys for Diamonds 10157312DC
Why cant I rename my noggin? It gives me the option but after typing a new name, the noggins original name still appears and the goal board says to still rename him. Help please!
Why oh why doesn’t playing this game thru Big Fish Games let me add referral codes? It sucks!
Can you only use the referral code once in your game i have tried using other cods in my game and it will not let me do it any suggestions
What is the referral thing i dont get it
Help me, help you. 10957726FM in the referral code under options and we both get diamonds. If you’ve already used up your referral, just add me under invite friends. Be a good monster friend and light torches and Like islands. That’s what I do daily. Thanks.
In options, click referral, add a friend’s code…like mine 😉 if you want 10957726FM that gets us both diamonds. After that we can light each others tourchs and Like islands. You can use the referral code once for diamonds. To add more friends you just click on friends at the bottom right of your island and Invite Friends, add code.