It’s time to update to a brand new version of Smurfs’ Village after the holidays. The Christmas update has certainly been around for quite a while and now that the holidays are over say hello to the new Silo feature in Smurfs’ Village for your game.
The new Silo feature allows players that have the new update to speed up their crops in their game so that you can harvest those juicy fruits or veggies you’ve been looking forward to have sooner.
In the animal sanctuary, space have also been added to allow you to expand even more habitats for your animals. To allow you to build a even bigger and better village full of animals. Added into the update are also new premium items for your Smurfs’ Village game so be sure to check them out if you have enough berries.
Other tiny improvements include bug fixes, added gift signs, and coin items for your village. So be sure to check out whats new and what you can pick up in the new update for your Smurfs’ Village game!
What’s New in Version 1.3.2
Smurfs’ Village 1.3.2 is Full of Smurfy, Speedy, Fun!
– Place the new Silo feature to speed up all your crops at once – it’s easier and less expensive than doing it one by one!
– New open space in the animal sanctuary lets you add even more habitats
– New premium items including toy cars, boats, and planes that really move when your Smurfs ride them!
– Place “Gift Me” signs to let your friends know exactly what you’d like to be gifted!
– Lots of new coin items, including the cotton candy cart which awards coins!
– Even more old game bugs get left in the dust!
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What date
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I felt really cheated by the silo – as the explanation does not make it clear that to speed up crops you have to spend a lot more Smurf berries on top of the initial 15.
I thought it would be like the tractor on the island, or farmer Smurf because it cost Smurf berries in the first instance and it would therefore speed up crops merely by it’s proximity to the beds. What a waste of smurf berries !
A better explanation in the ‘help’ menu for other users please !
I totally agree with you. I thought it would have a proximity area. In addition, I am not sure if you pay the extra berries does the speed up of the crops last the lifetime of the game or do you have to pay berries every time you want to speed up the crops. The explanation is just to lure you in. It was a waste of my money and I also felt cheated.
I think it costs new berries each time as the ‘value’ changes with various crops.
As I am not going to use it I tried to ‘put it away’ in the storage shed, and I cant’ do that with it either it is very annoying to have to delete something that you have just paid berries for – you are right about the lure !
My hot air balloon has moved to anew spot( all on it’s own)-…and I have not been able to move it from that spot ever since. …even after new update. Help!
Sunt la nivelul 29 si balonul spre munte inca nu-l am. Trebuie sa fac vreo misiune sau ceva.
Smurf village when new updated
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Where can I download smurfsvillage version 1.3.2 not from google play…
Si eu sunt la nivelul 28 si nu stiu ce trebuie sa construiesc la ghicitoarea lui papa smurf – sa construiesc o camera fara etaj, pereti, fereastra si usa..? Stie cineva?