Zenonia 5: Laser Beam Mechanic Guide


This guide is for Zenonia 5 – Wheels of Destiny and it features the Laser Beam Mechanic character build. We’ve tested many different and found this one to be the funniest and less frustrating of all the mechanic builds in the game.

the name focus of this  build is for fast special attacks and less waiting for other skills to regenerate. The Laser Beam skill has one of the fastest cool time which allows you to reuse the skill within a minute or less. While skills like Satellite Shot is more power, you’ll need to wait much longer for it to cool down and by that time, you’re probably dead.

Zenonia 5 Laser Beam Mechanic Guide

What this build will mostly be about

This build will be mostly about passive skills with 1-2 active skills. This is because the other skills are simply not worth the effort unless you really want to check them out. We’ll mostly focus on Buffs and Passive and building your character from there.

Active/Passive Skills

  • [Level 1] – Laser Beam
  • [Level 2] - Laser Beam
  • [Level 3] - Laser Beam
  • [Level 4] -Laser Beam
  • [Level 5] - Laser Beam
  • [Level 6]  - Laser Beam
  • [Level  7]  - Laser Beam
  • [Level  8]  - Laser Beam
  • [Level  9]  - Laser Beam
  • [Level  10]  - Laser Beam
  • [Level  11]  - Save
  • [Level  12] - Save
  • [Level  13]  - Save
  • [Level  14]  - Save
  • [Level  15] – CRI Rate Increase
  • [Level  16] - CRI Rate Increase
  • [Level  17] - CRI Rate Increase
  • [Level  18] -  CRI Rate Increase
  • [Level  19] - CRI Rate Increase
  • [Level  20] - CRI Rate Increase [MAX]
  • [Level  21] - Weapon Specialized [Passive]
  • [Level  22] - Weapon Specialized [Passive]
  • [Level  23] - Weapon Specialized [Passive]
  • [Level  24] - Weapon Specialized [Passive]
  • [Level  25] - Weapon Specialized [Passive]
  • [Level  26] - Weapon Specialized [Passive]
  • [Level  27] - Weapon Specialized [Passive]
  • [Level  28] - Weapon Specialized [Passive]
  • [Level  29] - Weapon Specialized [Passive]
  • [Level  30] - Weapon Specialized [Passive]
  • [Level  31] - Save
  • [Level  32] - Save
  • [Level  33] - Save
  • [Level  34] - Save
  • [Level  35] – Passive Master
  • [Level  36]  - Passive Master
  • [Level  37]  - Passive Master
  • [Level  38]  - Passive Master
  • [Level  39]  - Passive Master
  • [Level  40]  - Passive Master [MAX]
  • [Level  41]  - DEX Increase
  • [Level  42]  - DEX Increase
  • [Level  43]  - DEX Increase
  • [Level  44]   - DEX Increase
  • [Level  45] - DEX Increase
  • [Level 46] - DEX Increase
  • [Level 47] - DEX Increase
  • [Level 48] - DEX Increase
  • [Level 49] - DEX Increase
  • [Level 50] - DEX Increase

After obtaining up to level 50 youw ill have a good feel of where you want to further place your points. You can improve on adding more passive skills or developing skills like EVA per Dex that will increase your EVA depending on the amount of Dex you have by %.

Status points

For stat points, we recommend casual players to place 2 points in CON and 1 point in Dex for each level up. However, if you are a veteran players and have experience playing these type of games then we recommend you place your skill points in DEX until you feel you need more health which will go in CON


This guide is written for Gameteep. It should not be found else where. It is intended for personal use and you may only use this guide at your own risk.

The guide is intended for casual players and will not always serve the difficulty of the game depending on how the developers nerf the skills or change the skills through updates.

This page is about...

  • mechanic build zenonia 5
  • zenonia 5 mechanic build
  • build mechaic skill zenonia 5
  • zenonia 5 build mechanic
  • zenonia 5 builds
  • zenonia 5 mechanic best skills
  • zenonia 5 mechanic guide
  • zenonia 5 mechanic skill build

  7 Responses to “Zenonia 5: Laser Beam Mechanic Guide”

  1. thxs man, theres not to many guides out.

  2. mechanic have a lot if usefull active skills, the turrets, the laser of sky, flash etc… i recomend to upgrade at max some of this active skills

  3. What you mean save skill? Flash or save?i can’t find it fast reply please

  4. save means you don’t use skill point until a certain skill is unlocked.

  5. I Think this is bad guide..

  6. MAX level is 109 lei, but your guide is until 50?

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