DragonVale: Gems
DragonVale gems are considered the most valuable asset in the game. You can buy new dragons, speed up your breeding time, or exchange them for coins. Many players wonder what is the best way to obtain these gems and the simple answer is to get as many friends sending you gems as possible. It is important to get your username on the person’s mind when they are scrolling through the friend’s list.
A single player can send a maximum of 3 gems per day [24 hours], if you have the new Dragonsai Tree you can send up to 6 gems per day.
hhow do you get free gems
How to get unlimited foods,gems and money?
Yes plez hoe
Code 55170697 gets you 15 gems and all dragons start at level 7
All dragons will start at Level 10 if you use code 35368273. Huge jumpstart for new players under level 15. Cheers!
This is scam. Not true you get level 10 dragons. This is A friend code
Hey how do u get gems now? There is no redeem option anymore
Please tell.
Reply fast.
Dv117 gives you 10 gems
2years gives you 25 gems
To get 30 free gems type in 386628
Where do i type this number
10091723 GETS YOU 30 GEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reedem 55432801 – 50 gems
Dv117 – 10 gems
2years – 25 gems
Those who say over 50 gems are liar
10606740 up to 50 coins
Newest Redeem code just revealed! Limited offer. Get yours before this code expires!
i dont know either
can you only type in a code once? I tried to type another code and it says only one person can get credit for inviting you to dragonvale.
Avoid scamming dont use the code which tell over 50 gems here are some codes
55432801 – 50 gems ( not my code )
15439000 – 10 gems ( my code )
55432801 really gives 50 gems i tried it and got 50 gems awesome then I made my dragon breeding fast and breeded storm with flower and got double rainbow dragon thanks to the code 55432801
friend me on gamecenter have hacked device send me 1 gem for only 3 days in a row and i will give you anything you want i am vardarlachlan23 no caps
Ok I’ll add u
can u plz send me gems i sent u a request
If you said so i’ll ask you for three gems to my ipad
Sure I would like if you could give me maybe fifty gems
I will do it anyways though
friend cullenmac25
add me name = r0ry92.
if u send me a gem ill send u one back daily!
Can u give me a couple of gems like 30.THX!!!Game center name xSWAG29x
Gem4Gem send me a gem and i send back:)
Add me on Gamecenter :Butcher-_-97
add lilipopo11 for gem for gem.
Add me, I have a gifting tree and i’m a daily player so I promise to give a gift to you if you give a gift to me. My name on game center is Invaderlenore
Hey guys,
I have a pretty good gem trading circle started already. I'm looking for 2 more long term players to consistently trade gems with. I have the gem tree and have been playing the game for over a year now with no signs of stopping.
Add me to gamecenter. My username is "comware".
i sent you a friend request add me on game center
you just excepted me on game center and was wondering if u could give me 25 gems so i can upgrade my breeding cave thank you
Gem 4 gem friends needed! Will give back ASAP. Game id :-(tealblue)-:
I have no idea how to add friends on here. No one on my Facebook wants to play this… Can anyone help? Will you add me? Crowgirl5 is my name on this. I play regularly and am happy to exchange/ gift gems 🙂
I play on my daughters nabi android tablet nomgame center and when trying to add friends it won’t let me I can’t play the game from my face book either u can add me on facebook if u want to try I will def exchange gems un is my name on facebook greenville ohio
I’ll add you
Send me 2 gems and I’ll send you 100
Ur a liar
I don’t have Facebook so one way I get gems is by doing a lv.10 fire dragon in the fire event for 5gems or a lv. 10 leaf dragon in leaf event etc.
Add me on gamecenter i will trade GEM 4 GEM!!!!!!!
My gamecenter name is Andy Zaldivar
Add me to your Game Center at MidnightPh0x
Send me one gem and ill send you 20 gems back. Gamecenter: quicksniper555
send me 1 gem ill send you 20 back. game Center JoeBean14
Come on with those 20!!
The thet
Add me limpert11 you send me gems for 2 months I will give you 5000 gems
Friend me guys! I’m Compbasher on game center. I’ll send gems to whoever send me some!
Send me gems and ill give you some back. Game Center Tom5292
Add me Alan.tran
Add me as a friend [email protected]
Add me gem to gem
Gem to gem
Add me [email protected]
Gem to gem
Add [email protected]
Dragon vale gems only
Add Alan.tran
Gem to gem
game ID is bigtunahearts
Lets trade gems!
Add me! Please!
I’m a daily player, so Gem for Gem! (:
Add meeee for gem to gem my name is 9ae
Add me .*[g29]*.
dose anyone have a hack divice i will give gems every day if you give LOTS of gems back please im a daily player
My gamecenter name is mrluigi101 no caps
Please add me gem for gem. I have à gem tree. And any of you who only want to cash in go somewhere Else.only gem for gem pls :)gamecenter id Pipis08
Add me for gem to gem daily
My user name is AYU5H 81
Those who will give gem daily should only send me request
No BS please
Can some of you add me as we’ll? I’m sure we can help each other…. bloodXandXchocolate2
Hi I just got my Dragonsai and need more friends. Add Meyer.Family
Friend kruzer95. I send gems as often as possible (almost daily).
add me on facebook. bobby skalski. gem for gem
Im only adding you for the gems. Gem for gem i love DragonVale, so i play daily! Add me on Facebook(i use Kindle Fire)
gem 4 gem
add ID Wonders23
Gamecenter name: Cynthia12315
I will send gems everyday if u add me in game center
Gem4Gem need 5more friends contact on Game Center IHANLON
Add me <3 I need my 3 daily friends for gems!(: dryballs9000
Leave me some gems jh6112
I am new to the game.
Most of my Dragonvale ‘friends’ do not return the favor when I send a gem. I am working on getting a Dragonsai tree. I’m looking to form an exclusive gem gifting circle. I need 6 players to participate. The following criteria must be met:
1) you must own a Dragonsai tree, since this is a circle of 7 players, myself included.
2) you must be willing to gift gems exclusively within the circle; no gifting to players outside of the circle.
3) you must be able to send gems every day, unless you have a circumstance where you will not be able to connect to the internet that day.
4) If you fail to send gems for more than 48 hours, you will be un-friended on Game Center and replaced with someone else who wants to participate. And the same goes for me; if I don’t send you a gem for more than 48 hours, un-friend me on Game Center.
If you are serious and would like to participate, please reply to this blog post. The first 6 people to reply will be sent a friend request then a gem will follow once I have confirmed that you own a Dragonsai tree. I will not be accepting any friend requests, so you must reply to this blog post to be part of the circle.
Send me a friend request my name is MagnaAngemon2
I would like a r redeem code please
Yes I would like to know how to get one too
Another one is turkey
Can u give me as many gems as possible
I was and got 55432801 I reedemed it and got 50 gems awesome try it I was on level 11 higher levels can get more think so
i’ve had dragonvale for a year now! nobody even redeems my code. if anyone wants to know what it is, it’s 30076601. {:-(
Please redeem friends code 35032193 and receive am immediate gift of 25 gems.
If you enter 50017964 and you will get 25 gems if you haven’t already entered an 8 digit code
The turkey code has been expired. And 50017964 is my friend code.
This code 55432801 gives you many gems because I am on level 50
Dv117 —-10 gems
2years–‘—-25 gems
55432801–‘—– 50 gems
55432801 gives 50 gems try it out for gems
55432801 – 50 gems
Dv117 – 10 gems
2years – 25 gems
Those who say over 50 gems are liar
55432801 gives 50 gems try it out for gems
55432801 – 50 gems
Dv117 – 10 gems
2years – 25 gems
I need gems please reedem 55432801 gives 50 gems
With friendcode 5025140, thanks for sharing 🙂
Hey guys Enter my code you’ll get 75 gems since I’m level 50 my code is 5355465.
Heeey GUYS THIS CODE GIVES U 45 GEMS ! 30322799 i got it!!!!!
do 45001084 for 100 gems
wow it gave me 100gems for sure
Click on ‘social’ in the game menu, then ‘redeem code’ and enter these 3 here to win 85 bonus crystals: 45240404, 2years, and dv117
Nicely Codes! Thanks! 😉
Thanks for your help I am on level 50 not sure how many gems you will get for that but my code is 50005804.
55432801 gives 50 gems try it out for gems 55432801 – 50 gems
How do I get my registered user code number can you please tell me,
Try this code 5460165. Hope it works for yoy all!
very happy with my new 85 gems! Thanks my friend! 😛
These are all of the AVALIABLE codes for Dragonvale right now:
dv117 = 20♦️
2years = 10♦️
20285455 = 25♦️
The code “Turkey” has expired!
plz any body send me some gems i play on ipad and my game center is yorkiemom dont ask my grand mouthers ipad
thats supposed to be yorkiemom
i ;like dragons but some of thexse ones are pretty damn pathetic looking to me
I have rainbow dragon and double rainbow dragon on level 50 reedem 55432801 gives 50 gems really
Merry Christmas Eve my friend code is 45452135, I could really use some gems for an epic breeding island and if you decide to help we both win thanks a million Happy dragon vale by the way the just gave the gift dragon out around 9 o’clock thanks again
presents is a ode to use too
presents is a code to use too
dv117,and turkey is are codes that already expired
10091723 GETS YOU 30 FREE GEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
55432801 – 50 gems
Dv117 – 10 gems
2years – 25 gems
So try it out for gems
It worked 4 me
Try 5460165 for 40gems 🙂
Hi, I actually staying at the hospital and are spending my time taking blood samples and playing dragonvale on my ipad.. Please gelp me get more dragons faster beacuse I’m bored:( my code is 5460165, hugs to you all
mine wont work with codes it keeps saying no friend codes until level 10. 0_0
Need gem friend… I will back tour gem in 2 days… Play every day… If you interested add me on gc: e0rx