DragonVale Breeding Guide Part 2


This is what you have been waiting for! The all out DragonVale Breeding Guide that started it all and was only available to premium members are available to you now! This is the Part Two of the DragonVale breeding guide was the first and original breeding guide that ever hit the internet.  Now you can be a pro by knowing all the combinations to breeding any dragons at a single glance.

DragonVale Breeding Guide Page - 5

DragonVale Breeding Guide Page - 6DragonVale Breeding Guide Page - 7DragonVale Breeding Guide Page - 8


DragonVale Breeding Guide Part 1

DragonVale Breeding Guide Part 3

DragonVale Breeding Guide Part 4

DragonVale Metal Dragon breed guide

DragonVale Chrome Dragon breed guide

DragonVale Magnetic Dragon breed guide

DragonVale Rust Dragon breed guide

DragonVale Brass Dragon breed guide

DragonVale Iron Dragon breed guide

DragonVale Mine Dragon breed guide

DragonVale Lichen Dragon breed guide

DragonVale Cactus Dragon breed guide

DragonVale Bloom Dragon breed guide

DragonVale Steel Dragon breed guide

DragonVale Dodo Dragon breed guide

  9 Responses to “DragonVale Breeding Guide Part 2”

  1. Can I have 99999 gems and 10000 coins and 99999 food my Game Center is Maser Billy 1

  2. this stuff is great i am going to breed all of these because they are awesome dragons and they are the exact ones that i wanted. If you didnt put this on then i would just be breeding random dragons and i know that they are not the kind that i wanted and not the kind that pretty(im saying that it will turn out to be ugly)!

  3. I need about 9 more gems to upgrade my breeding cave can somebody please send me 9 gems my gamecenter is maverickdrew1025

  4. How do I get games quickly

  5. I mean gems

  6. Omg found combination blazing and crystal gets you random rare dragons

  7. With bring ‘em back I’ve breeding a whole bunch with either tree and lava or evergreen and obsibin. So far I’ve gotten paper, ghostx2 ,and motlyx2

    Read more: http://gameteep.net/dragonvale/dragonvale-breeding-guides/dragonvale-breeding-guide-lion/dragonvale-breeding-guide-part-1/#ixzz2oN48zCWH

  8. Whoops sorry I mean lichen and lave not tree an lava

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